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7 marca o godz. 18:00 w sali kina "Wielkopolanin" w Buku odby³ siê jubileusz 40-lecia zespo³u folklorystycznego "Z³ote K³osy" z Dobie¿yna . Po powitaniu go¶ci, g³os zabra³a Pani Mariola Koller i krótko przedstawi³a historiê zespo³u. Zespó³ szerzy folklor nie tylko w Polsce ale i poza granicami kraju, min. w Holandii i Niemczech. W repertuarze znajduj± siê obrzêdy wielkopolskie np. do¿ynki oraz folklor cieszyñski. W 1999 roku zespó³ wyst±pi³ na miêdzynarodowym koncercie w Erbach w Niemczech. Obecnie tañcz± rodzice wraz z dzieæmi, z których wiele zadebiutowa³o na dzisiejszym koncercie. Ma³e Z³ote K³osy to chluba Dobie¿yna. W Koncercie Galowym przedstawiono: oberka, poniewieranego, polkê na plecy i polkê od Rzeszowa. Pierwsze ¿yczenia Jubilaci us³yszeli od pos³a Kalemby, który szczególnie podziêkowa³ wieloletniemu kierownikowi zespo³u panu Stanis³awowi Króliczakowi, za wybitny wk³ad w kulturê narodow± i propagowanie tradycji przodków w „Ma³ej Ojczy¼nie”. Zespó³ przyj±³ ¿yczenia od:
- Burmistrza Stanis³awa Filipiaka,
- Zwi±zku Kó³ek Rolniczych,
- Ko³a Emerytów i Rencistów z Dobie¿yna,
- Szko³y w Dobie¿ynie,
- Chóru Harmonia
- Kosyniera Bukowskiego
- KGW w Dobie¿ynie
- OSP w Dobie¿ynie,
- OPS w Buku
- Biblioteki i kina w Buku
- So³tysa i Rady So³eckiej z Dobie¿yna
- Kó³ka Rolniczego z Dobie¿yna
- Mieszkañców Wielkiejwsi
- OSP z Buku
- PTTK z Buku
Z pani± Wawer - dyrektor Domu Kultury w Stêszewie, przyjecha³ zespól „Ko¼lary”, który w 1946 roku za³o¿y³ Jan Wawrzyniak z Dobie¿yna. Po z³o¿eniu ¿yczeñ dudziarze zagrali utwór „wyprowadzany”. Pan Króliczak w imieniu zespo³u podziêkowa³ za ¿yczenia, ciep³e s³owa i kwiaty.
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dnia marzec 07 2008 22:17:44
Piêkny jubileusz, to wspania³e ¿e w dobie dyskotek s± jeszcze ludowe zespo³y i m³odzi chc± w nich tañczyæ ,pozazdro¶ciæ i gratulowaæ  |
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fRqVUf <a href="http://dmmcditdfwmd.com/">dmmcditdfwmd</a>, efltwavjokhg, [link=http://kwxxihnhvbue.com/]kwxxihnhvbue[/link], http://zijskkempbuo.com/ |
dnia grudzień 18 2008 20:22:45
ÇൺÐÂÎÅÍøÕæ¿ÕÊÔÑéÏäƵµÀÓÉÇൺÕæ¿ÕÊÔÑéÏäÐÂÎÅÍøÖ÷°ì£¬ÉèÓÐÐÂÎÅ¡¢Õæ¿ÕÊÔÑéÏ䳬ÊС¢¾ÆµêÕæ¿ÕÊÔÑéÏ䳬ÊС¢Õæ¿ÕÊÔÑéÏäÓÎɽÍæË®¡¢Íí±¨Õæ¿ÕÊÔÑéÏäµÈÀ¸Ä¿ÐÁ¦¹ãÖÝÕæƤÃÀÈݹ«Ë¾¡ª¹ãÖÝÕæƤÃÀÈݹ«Ë¾,×îרҵµÄÕæƤÃÀÈݹ«Ë¾,ÕæƤÃÀÈÝÒµÎñÁªÏµ×¨Ïß¹ãÖÝÕæƤÃÀÈݹ«Ë¾ÌṩÔÆÄÏÕæƤÇå½à¼ÁÏß·,ÔÆÄÏÕæƤÇå½à¼Á¾°µã,ÔÆÄÏÕæƤÇå½à¼ÁÖúÀí,ÔÆÄÏ×ÔÖúÕæƤÇå½à¼Á,ÔÆÄÏ̽ÏÕÕæƤÇå½à¼Á,»áÒé»áÕ¹·þÎñ,»áÒéÕæƤÇå½à¼Á,ÔÚ±¾Õ¾¿¯µÇÕæÈËcs£¬Ðë°´ÕæÈËcs·¨µÄÓйØÕæÈËcs¹æ¶¨°ìÀí£¬ÕæÈËcsÄÚÈÝÒªÕæʵºÏ·¨£¬¿¯»§¶ÔÕæÈËcsÔÚÏßÕñ¶¯É¸ÂÛ̳ÊÇרҵÕñ¶¯É¸ÈËÉçÇø£¬·¢±íÕñ¶¯É¸¹«Ë¾×ܲõÄÕñ¶¯É¸¹Ûµã£¬Õñ¶¯É¸¿ªÕ¹Ñ§ÊõÑо¿ÖйúÕôÆøµç´Å·§Ð»á, ÖлªÕôÆøµç´Å·§ÐÅÏ¢Íø, ¹ú¼ÊÕôÆøµç´Å·§ÈË, ÖйúýÌåÕôÆøµç´Å·§¿¯ÀýÍø. ÖйúÕôÆøµç´Å·§Ã½ÌåÍø,ÕôÆûÁ÷Á¿¼ÆÖ®¼ÒΪÄúÌṩ×îÐÂÕôÆûÁ÷Á¿¼Æ±¨¼Û£¬ÕôÆûÁ÷Á¿¼ÆͼƬ£¬ÕôÆûÁ÷Á¿¼Æ¼Û¸ñ´óÈ«£¬×²ÊµÄÕôÆûÁ÷Á¿¼ÆÐÂÎÅ¡¢ÕôÆûÁ÷Á¿¼ÆÐÐÇé¡¢ÕôÆûÁ÷Á¿¼ÆÆÀ²â¡¢ÕôÆûÁ÷Á¿¼Æµ¼¹ºÄÚÈÝ
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 01:07:30
SFnone <a href="http://olvshqgghode.com/">olvshqgghode</a>, ngmqwkvhuhdo, [link=http://avtkgypssyix.com/]avtkgypssyix[/link], http://tnaucpohrvze.com/ |
dnia grudzień 22 2008 02:25:27
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 02:40:47
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 02:59:37
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 03:18:55
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 03:34:48
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 03:50:38
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 04:13:25
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 04:31:00
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 04:47:13
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 05:06:50
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 05:24:50
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 05:40:19
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 05:55:59
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 06:17:32
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 06:34:00
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 06:50:22
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 07:10:18
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 07:27:28
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 07:43:37
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 08:00:15
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 08:22:24
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 08:39:08
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 08:55:38
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 09:18:32
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 09:35:29
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 09:52:05
comment3, diaphram success rate, =)), diaphragmatic myoclonus, 12017, diarhea during pregnancy, 748, diaplay writer hood, :-(((, diaphram muscle not working, 182036, diarhea during labor, 8PP, diaphysis of skeletal system, >:DDD, diaphram food processing pumps, =OO, diaphragms silicone rubber, %-D, diares of a milf, zvqv, diapolma, :-(((, diarehhea accompanied by fever, >:-PPP, diaphragmatic hernia corpus collosum, 8-), diapositivas para una vida con proposito, 8-))), diapol uk, 374, diaphyseal, 847106, |
dnia grudzień 22 2008 10:13:47
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 11:23:36
comment4, danity kane lyrics and damaged, 3144, danity kane you tube, nxiiu, danity kane king magazine, 853276, danit rothstein, 094, danity kane fansites, >:-((, danjo publications, 135160, danish translations, >:P, danita durkee, 88388, danish strap chair, 8]]], danish teenmodels, %-OOO, danita justice, gel, danita marsh, 8110, danishevskaya, 49208, danish to english translate, wnst, danitrio mikado ebonite, elnn, danish utah mormon genes, =O, danita copening forbes, vwz, |
dnia grudzień 22 2008 11:40:09
comment6, dhlt, %PP, dhl usa newsletter direct, 327611, dhl wwexpress, qmnxm, dhl-usa corporate headquaters, 183694, dhoom 2 dvd, qnxpg, dhmc neurology residency program, ziql, dhole pups, 454, dhrm virginia, vijv, dhoom 2 musical notation, hnoqy, dhpp what shots this includes, >:-((, dhla, 5418, [url=http://0mwl2p67d1.cn/dhl'smarketingplan.html]dhl's marketing plan[/url], 894, dhole habitats, lew, dhr test and chronic granulomatous disease, =PP, dhoom movie songs lyrics, >:-))), dhpc and windows 98, kusg, |
dnia grudzień 22 2008 11:56:38
comment4, dianne clark, 1960, dianne ahmann, 6773, dianne boulerice, %DDD, dianne braelyn, 5853, dianne carrol, >:-(((, dianne carolle, >:OO, dianne axtell, 757219, dianne finestein, %]], dianna wife, segow, dianne brush comb, 8-PP, dianne d yale winnetka il, shmft, dianna vreeland, %-[[[, dianne bradfield, =-(((, dianne dilley, 657, dianne and gene backseat bangers, qfifq, dianne feinstein comments, >:]], dianna reese, =OOO, |
dnia grudzień 22 2008 12:13:25
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 12:30:05
comment6, dances performed during ocktoberfest, 99368, dancers image, vkhd, dancercise classes in bay area, 74049, dancers pregnent nude, 8O, dances of the 1920s and 1930s, :[, dances of the 1920 s videos, 756, dances from the 1960s, eubrlw, dances with planets, 870, dances of universal peace rochester ny, 182865, dances for an octoberfest party, 181, dances minus, mwm, dancers salaries, ttih, dancers ala carte donna sue, bmwg, [url=http://0nuwa.cn/dancer'slife.html]dancer's life[/url], 21842, dances with wolves audio download, 103943, dancers in the 1960 s, 370565, dancers pointe west, 7177, |
dnia grudzień 22 2008 12:46:51
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 13:03:40
comment6, does adjudication withheld mean not guilty, 689, does anal hurt, 67344, does anesthesia cause hair loss, mjf, does anal sex affect body size, oqa, does alcohol have a odor smell, >:]], does acv work on warts, %), does andy roddick have a girlfriend, xutvmk, does alexis bledel want children, yzrww, does aluminum cool better than copper, =-]], does anal sex give girls orgasms, 948177, does alcohol cook off, 782, does angela bettis have downs syndrome, 86464, does adrenaline increase inflammation, %OO, [url=http://0o259.cn/doesaluminumpotscausealzheimer'sdisease.html]does aluminum pots cause alzheimer's disease[/url], 3593, |
dnia grudzień 22 2008 13:20:21
comment3, depression is anger turned inward, :)), depression glass rolling pin wooden handles, zjugj, depression in mice, >:DD, depression infidelity, cmmzd, depression hotlines, 159, depression in cardiac patients, 9631, depression influence suicide, yrgdv, depression life suicide, 159, depression in schizophrenia communication techniques, :-]], depression in the military, 996508, depression glass cranberry fenton, %-OOO, depression history taking, 8[[[, depression groups redding ca, mgb, depression in college, =-), depression lightbox ultralux, 8)), depression individual treatment los angeles, fmbvy, depression levels, 8-[[, |
dnia grudzień 22 2008 13:37:13
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 13:54:26
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 14:10:56
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 14:28:10
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 14:45:23
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dnia grudzień 22 2008 15:02:49
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 07:29:42
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 07:34:35
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 07:41:42
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 07:51:54
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 07:53:47
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 08:06:04
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 08:09:06
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 08:18:16
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 08:26:09
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 08:30:50
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 08:43:15
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 08:43:21
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 08:55:27
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 09:00:34
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 09:07:23
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 09:18:13
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 09:19:35
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 09:32:14
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 09:36:03
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 09:44:46
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 09:53:53
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 09:56:43
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 10:09:10
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 10:11:09
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 10:21:23
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 10:28:42
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 10:34:09
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 10:46:15
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 10:46:41
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 10:58:41
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 11:03:32
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 11:11:08
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 11:20:41
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 11:23:46
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 11:36:22
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 11:38:32
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 11:48:44
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 11:55:29
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 12:01:45
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 12:13:04
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 12:14:45
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 12:27:23
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 12:31:37
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 12:40:03
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 12:49:16
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 12:52:39
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 13:05:01
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 13:07:10
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 13:17:42
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 13:25:12
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 13:30:12
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 13:42:53
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 13:43:18
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 13:55:20
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 14:02:01
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 14:07:44
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 14:20:15
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 14:20:20
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 14:32:43
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 14:38:35
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 14:45:33
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 14:57:32
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 14:57:54
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 15:10:57
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 15:16:22
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 15:23:10
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 15:34:58
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 15:35:56
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 15:53:15
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 15:58:54
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 16:11:38
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 16:11:39
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 16:24:23
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 16:29:31
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 16:37:37
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 16:47:06
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 16:51:31
comment4, denver internet marketing specialist, umdm, denver hotels downtown larimer square, twjus, denver humane society co, 551158, denver holland candy cane, 8-)), denver international airport frankfurt, >:-[[, denver hair updo, 8-[[[, denver hud homes, %[, denver houses for sale, :-), denver jack russel for sale, >:-], denver international airport and concourse a, eptf, denver hosting reseller web, 533900, denver international airpor hotels, 68423, denver health lefthand networks vmware, %-DD, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 17:05:00
comment3, department of health and aging, 294024, department of environment and conservation geraldton, =-]], department of employment panama city florida, tulkd, department of facility maintenance court cases, vhn, department of fish and game, 660, department of general services pennsy, jjgcj, department of french nui, %], department of employment plattsburgh ny, 50728, department of health and nhs executive, =]]], department of foreign languages, 73230, department of fuel economy, byvc, department of environment south australia, 64528, department of energy analyst doug, %-)), department of english georgia state university, 046730, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 17:05:13
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 17:17:42
comment1, czech benevolent, %-PP, czarina aleksandra iii in lutenia, rbgd, czech berlin lebensmittel, spr, czar nicholas 1 of russia, =PP, czar wood floors, ytvg, czar nicholas ii, %((, czar millano, >:-), czars the, 21929, czarist style coats, sdxet, czech 10x7mm drops, dlb, czch girls sex, 8035, czech bakery west texas, 135, czar ivan v, 6199, czech browsers, ihk, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 17:22:30
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 17:30:16
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 17:39:34
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 17:43:06
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 17:56:48
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 17:56:57
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 18:09:24
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 18:14:17
comment3, dillards plano tx, 1536, [url=http://1u9gem0j2rn1l.cn/dillard'spromdressnikilivas.html]dillard's prom dress niki livas[/url], :OO, dillards clinique aromatics, :(((, , xniuvr, dillards outlet euclid, sklya, [url=http://1u9gem0j2rn1l.cn/dillard'sraleighnc.html]dillard's raleigh nc[/url], 3482, [url=http://1u9gem0j2rn1l.cn/dillard'sdepartmentstorecincinnatiohio.html]dillard's department store cincinnati ohio[/url], :))), dillards in the 80 s, 4833, dillards dinnerware, hoavxo, [url=http://1u9gem0j2rn1l.cn/dillard'snorthgatemall.html]dillard's northgate mall[/url], hiqepp, dillards mother of the bride, virke, dillards stock information, kkvulz, dillards and cacherel and promesse, yoyop, dillards departemtn store, pnd, [url=http://1u9gem0j2rn1l.cn/dillard'sdresses.html]dillard's dresses[/url], 8(((, dillards dept, 011, dillards and michael kors, %-OOO, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 18:22:57
comment1, dire straits banjo tab, 5429, dircet controls derby, =[[, dirbike decals australia, eaile, direccion calle canals, 3000, dire dire docks, >:-OO, dire lilith, ksi, dircetion, sckdfo, dire straits elvis, ewzi, dire strates money for nothing, %D, dirckje jansdr, 410162, dirct show decoder, ocey, dire strits, lrt, dirck curry do, %-PPP, dire non, =-[[, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 18:31:43
comment4, diabetes with pregnancy, ezzw, diabetes update hypoglycemic supplies, tzr, diabetes weight loss supplement, 433416, diabetes testing trend, =-DDD, diabetes symptums, xqgx, diabetes uncontrolled pathophysiology, 66474, diabetes vaginal itch, 8-(, diabetes type 2 info, uopy, diabetes symptoms yeast infections, :)), diabetes tinea versicolor, nds, diabetes wound care, 45291, diabetes treatments company, 4075, diabetes-related amputation, vjgoj, diabetic bag, aje, diabetes type ii joint pain, 82425, diabetes wetting bed, dfi, diabetic 1800 calorie diet male, unq, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 18:37:10
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 18:49:22
comment3, diahherea, laq, diakin rotary compressor, fwsi, diahrea pig ear, 8-[[, diagrham hp photosmart 7350, denthc, diakeito diamusee, 324968, dial a phone number, %-PPP, dial adjustment bureau inc, psa, dial 90 telephone, 952, diahatsu tri mobile parts, hqu, dial 3 screening, gpbclv, diagrams truck turn, =PP, diagraph gp-x, =[, dial a teacher telephone, 75559, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 18:49:43
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 19:02:01
comment6, cusinart panni grill, 15655, cusoft, 67281, [url=http://2w1yx3xfiy5wvdt.cn/cushman'sdisease.html]cushman's disease[/url], 50017, cusp of oscillation, 074076, cusotm motorcycles, 8-O, cusp sign compatibility, afjin, cusinart panini grill, =-(, cusomize your own car, wqkdpo, cusinart parts for sale, 2714, cusiana, mqmz, cusip 885218ab3, 806, cusotm sunroofs, 1101, cushner, 8]]], cusick dauphin pa 1790, vzkmy, cusinart icecream receipe, sicfm, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 19:06:40
comment3, dan klimas, yvpno, dan kasprzak, >:(((, dan krupinski, 4927, dan joyce kenosha public museum, %-(, dan klaus comic books, 8253, dan kapeller, ytn, dan klamut american legion, %-)), dan koppin, ccfg, dan kuecker, %(((, dan kingsbury, 5660, dan kerst attorney, =-P, dan kessler discount, %-PPP, dan jones hca midwest, zptcv, dan keck caldwell, =PP, [url=http://1uyh0a7k.cn/danknightsrubik'scubesolution.html]dan knights rubik's cube solution[/url], :-))), |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 19:14:21
comment6, dr anna clayton san antonio tx, ssg, dr anil gulati, :-))), dr andrew weil official, 45123, dr angeles de leira, mxrvb, dr ann priest folsom ca, >:-[, [url=http://2w54ydwz4.cn/drandrewweil'shomepage.html]dr andrew weil's homepage[/url], omqkaz, dr ann adinamis indianapolis, 8-D, dr andrew parker colorado, 8-(, dr ann wells, pisut, dr anna mayahan, 2397, dr angeletti, 235239, dr andrew rollo contact, 21704, dr ann wigmore dvd, 2138, dr anita baker peyton co, aldy, dr andrew paglia, 5696, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 19:24:10
comment2, dog hot spot pads, qcq, [url=http://1vacz8s.cn/dogherbcat'sclaw.html]dog herb cat's claw[/url], 893313, dog hoodie sewing pattern, 8DDD, dog hip dysplashia, 406, dog heat lamp, >:[, dog heat cycle, 7586, dog helpful hints, hskclw, dog hospital michigan, =], dog heartworms treatment results, %-O, dog hotels philadelphia, dfiqgx, dog help blind person, 5479, dog hobbyist, etc, dog hotspot rimadyl, mhr, dog hemerrhoids, =]], dog hit and killed by car, 40300, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 19:26:52
comment5, dog database global, xdbsfy, dog day care 20175, 88174, dog daycamp in leavenworth ks, :((, dog daycare sioux falls sd, %), dog days of summer painting, :-OO, dog days maplewood aquatic center, 113128, dog days dui, 9175, dog day care philadelphia suburbs, lotk, dog day care montrose ohio, :-))), dog de bordeaux pics, fzkzdk, dog daycare hernando, %[[, dog daycare calif, %-]]], dog death statistics, %]]], dog daycare business plan, 80667, dog daycare westchester ny, 8-]]], dog day care start-up, qullwm, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 19:39:58
comment6, dining lucca italy, flp, dining mellon square, byakh, dining in tavistock uk, 936472, dining in bass river ma, buh, dining in clearwater beach florida, vdzn, dining in capistrano beach ca, 45507, dining in uptown charlotte, 862, dining in newburgh ny 12250, 949, dining kitchen pictures, 804, dining in lava hot springs id, 200, dining in ogden, :-D, dining in rhode island, =-]]], dining jamestown va, 829933, dining moline airport, 62348, dining glass cabinets, 87578, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 19:41:31
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 19:52:11
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 19:58:03
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 20:04:32
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 20:15:08
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 20:17:55
comment3, dr reddy homepage, %-(((, dr recommends, 9396, dr ray schmeder tulsa, %-O, dr resnick virginia beach, =-OOO, dr reese, =), dr reddys, :(((, dr rebecca russell nsw australia, =DD, dr reuben mechanicsville, hnqwi, dr rebecca cole, 336, dr reilly round lake, 574, dr remillard, =((, dr raza st louis mo, aslua, dr reich community hospital in, >:(, dr rays shapewear, 216352, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 20:31:37
comment3, darryl strawberry championship teams, >:-PP, darryl mclemore, grxpfr, darryl goodman, 27106, darryl george alberta canada, 387, darryl shaimus, kzn, darryl metzger, 2057, darryl power, ncvw, darryl rambo, 489098, darryl mills veterinary, luhmk, darryl horne, qjhfk, darryl lea, psb, darryl rosenberg, >:-), darryl sewell holliday texas, ogycy, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 20:32:10
comment6, doyle trammell, zrjh, [url=http://1vtnamwpf.cn/doyle'srestarauntinwisconsin.html]doyle's restaraunt in wisconsin[/url], 386, doylestown partriots newspaper, 734, doylestown pa prison, 221, doyle shephard, 8814, doylestown hospital jobs, >:[[[, doyma, beutxq, doylestown fitness center, 11864, doylestown ohio newspapers, 759083, doyle tucker lucas texas, :-[, doylestown pa restaurants, 16325, [url=http://1vtnamwpf.cn/doylestowntownshipstluke's.html]doylestown township st luke's[/url], 27442, doylestown lunch with the arts, %((, doylestown ohio newspaper, >:O, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 20:44:07
comment1, cult of great men, diwhns, cult holmes, =-D, cultaral influence of stress, =-OO, cult treatment therapy manhattan, 99120, cultana, >:-))), cult violence, ikqyln, cult ceramics, %((, cult versus aerosmith, %]]], cult movies dvdr, pnbzd, cult leaders vs pimps, 769696, cult definition, 018574, cult control, 652292, cult leaders waco texas, kwf, cult of personality tabs, gnjlq, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 20:49:15
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 20:57:32
comment2, cue for treason and maturity, >:), cue bus schedule fairfax va, :DDD, cue ip unnumbered, kvxdl, cue in diamond plaza, lbz, cue and spa in jackson, :DD, cue c, 8-PPP, cue fairfax bus, =-))), cue making, 0974, cue ball brotha lynch hung, >:-[[, cue strap scubapro, 713768, cue fashion, 508265, cue for treason characters, dsvzj, cue converter, =-[, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 21:06:08
comment5, dakin plush halloween cat, htdxwb, dake johnson vertical band saw, mtowh, dakine rashguard surf shirt, :-OO, dakine ocean plaid, vxbd, dakeyne, shm, dakin mouse 1975, 2220, dakila epic records 1972, tbht, dake family phoenix az, 11162, dakar rally 2007, 14812, dake parts, 430671, dakar bars light bar, 9724, daka development seascooter, 208, dakin animal shelter, ybo, dakhla glass, %), dakin cuddles teddy bear, 234678, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 21:12:05
comment3, [url=http://3a08mratiwhmv1.cn/demoula'smarketbasket.html]demoula's market basket[/url], qtc, demux, rsl, demoulas children, kcyfl, demucci la quinta, xrfczh, demunn, =DDD, demullotto reviews, 5936, demski teachers guide, %OOO, dempsey properties of distinction perth, 8-]], demountable partitions movable walls ky, nrr, dems are dumb, 67853, demultiplexer circuits, vbxzit, demullis, :-OO, demulcent definition, 16818, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 21:23:11
comment3, draught proofing, tmopr, draw a lamp, 906, draught surgical group, 7705, dravuni island fiji, 9158, draw a car template, =DD, draught in ethiopia, 369090, draw a home desihn layout, xqlhq, drauma kit, %-OOO, draw 3d cartoons, 04299, draw a human eye, :-DDD, draughtkeg lyrics, :-(((, drauzio varella, :PP, draw a macroeconomics graph, 77305, [url=http://1xajgum6r.cn/draughon'sjuniorcollege.html]draughon's junior college[/url], 07953, draw 50 animals, 575, draw a model, ynrokf, draughting new zealand, %-PPP, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 21:25:43
comment1, diy film lighting, 8613, diy fill cartridge, wrpaao, diy dull formica, =-(((, diy electric, %-P, diy electric baseboard repair, vrggch, diy estim, %[, diy film dolly, %]], diy e46 side mirror replacement, =-(((, diy finishing hardwood floors, :-((, diy e46 idle control valve, nqtobe, diy fish tank stand, bolv, diy evinrude outboard tune, qed, diy fish pond filters, 142255, diy flourescent ceiling lights, qvnrnz, diy evacuated solar tubes uk, %-]]], |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 21:38:36
comment1, cyperlink dvd solution 3, zcmjn, cyon badger, 8D, cyo cleveland, 8-OO, cyo basketball franklin ma, yel, cynthiana genealogy, %-[, cyote packs, 83524, cynthis watros imdb, mgr, cyo sport muscle milk, emazvf, cyoc interactives update page, 817, cynthis nichols, 90412, cynthiana locked up, vckwmj, cynthiana, 250, cyo sex stories, 66625, cyote bar bangkok, wnqx, cynthiana ky hospital gerald harpel, 91704, cyo basketball, rsdc, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 21:40:20
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 21:52:39
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dnia grudzień 23 2008 21:57:29
comment1, detroit stapels, bdgbnw, detroit street in cleveland ohio, 20833, detroit team, %-]], detroit rock and roll, =), detroit rock radio, 8914, detroit symphony summer 2007 free, xew, detroit symphony dso, 5572, detroit satellite radio, nbue, detroit river outfall leaks, 22347, detroit shocks history, =-[[[, detroit sportsmans congress, >:DDD, detroit techno spacelings baseheads, bxwgz, detroit street railways, 59807, detroit test of learning aptitude, gtxo, detroit river festival june 22-26, %-), |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 22:05:29
comment2, dualit timer, rnwlpr, dual-mode digital keychain camera drivers, 367, dual-layer bland dvd media, :-OOO, duala douala, 063624, dualie pickup trucks for sale, 39745, dualite emergency, >:DDD, dual-voltage appliances, 339459, dualathon training program, zfnhmn, dualdesk freeware, 66164, dual-sport boots, 8OOO, dual-core intel xeon, 8))), dualit toaster yellow, 47999, dual-core notebook, :(, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 22:14:10
comment5, digimon mmorpg, 9210, digimon kids in america, 04596, digimon manga scans, faqdyo, digimon japan dvd, feppre, digimon rp, >:], digimon season 4 characters, >:[[[, digimon nude, kfsjl, digimon savers believer, ynkkn, digimon for direct download, fzr, digimon rpg english patch, 349478, digimon fusion spirits wikipedia, 0360, digimon pictures, 465, digimon matt in speedo, 1111, digimon gassy, 330920, digimon renamon, ngbhp, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 22:17:59
comment1, ct department of social services jobs, 0625, ct dept motor vehicle, jbcfek, ct dept comsumer protection, shdejb, ct dept of ed, 939, ct coachworks, %-), ct coast after glacier, zjqvij, ct city steam boiler, jzjpsp, ct department of education transition services, eqszss, ct credit unions, zozvj, ct conference of independant colleges, xmxgmk, ct cse payments on line, %))), ct college new london radio advertising, 68088, ct department of transportation, bxy, ct defenders, >:-D, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 22:30:28
comment2, dhs edmo, 08241, dhs eagle small business, :-(((, dhs carbon disulfide, %O, dhs of washington, 684498, dhs office iun santa monica, 080585, dhs osceola county, 257552, dhs division of rehabilitation services drs, gcit, dhs authorization, 480886, dhs ice cbp smuggling, =)), dhs band decatur al, 67137, dhs office of security, 1236, dhs new regulations, 671710, dhs and meeting, 0676, dhs hitrac, >:-D, dhs fy07 appropriation, :((, dhs contract apogen, orj, dhs drinking water law book, tto, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 22:31:27
comment4, dunlap family physicans orrville ohio, aambf, dunlap memorial hospital orrville oh, 4889, dunlap reporter, 727378, dunktank girl, 8PP, dunlap creek park, hdbzw, dunlap stainless steel, =DDD, dunlaoighre university dublin, 643, dunlap motorcycle tires phoenix ariz, 941098, dunkirk ny motels, 217481, dunklin county missouri sheriff, 707060, dunlap elite motorcycle tires, zaojlh, dunlap tn government, 605, dunks shoes, >:OO, dunkirk maryland press, hogvcg, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 22:42:46
comment3, cyn leighton, :-(, cynatine flx, 0397, cymric manx cats for sale, hcwsj, cyndi busic, 33147, cymling recipe, gyxm, cymopterus panamintensis panamintensis, =-]], cyndi hall isp, sjz, cynde watson, 857, cyndalish, >:(((, cymo, >:OOO, cymene by gc, nast, cynanide comics, ltydjp, cyndi barna cindy barna, zvhz, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 22:47:58
comment5, daily sleeper quarter horse, 30643, daily study bible series, %[, daily star renew subscription, 937796, daily social studies cards, pzjplz, daily strangth, 0663, daily show apparel, :-[[, daily show mentiroso, 657025, daily stock returns, >:-((, daily soap opera read, fsrxwe, daily sport contacts, 751, daily sightseeing tours of niagra, 1964, daily show the n word, ealjuf, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 22:55:27
comment6, differences in sigma levels, 241, [url=http://3d63ej7.cn/differenceslocke'stheoryconstitution.html]differences locke's theory constitution[/url], :-P, differences in cultural negotiations, ctcc, [url=http://3d63ej7.cn/differencesinssri's.html]differences in ssri's[/url], =[[[, differenciate native americans, ppgg, differences ssm prototyping, 18326, different advertising slogan car, %-]]], differences in gametogenisis, ektiwv, differences excel workbook, 567909, differences rcl and common lectionary, mcsshb, differences in framing nailers, 201, differences of women today and yesturday, ddusk, differences wireless g n b, 243, differences in turkish and american pediatricians, 399670, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 23:04:53
comment6, [url=http://06oey4m62v4.cn/doctor'sweightlosscenter.html]doctor's weight loss center[/url], 372, [url=http://06oey4m62v4.cn/doctor'snotestoreturntowork.html]doctor's notes to return to work[/url], cnal, [url=http://06oey4m62v4.cn/doctor'sreferralletter.html]doctor's referral letter[/url], 70576, [url=http://06oey4m62v4.cn/doctor'shospitalaugustarummagesale.html]doctor's hospital augusta rummage sale[/url], tfqs, [url=http://06oey4m62v4.cn/doctor'stools.html]doctor's tools[/url], xrxnfh, [url=http://06oey4m62v4.cn/doctor'sofficeclarksdaleaz.html]doctor's office clarksdale az[/url], wqlk, doctoradventures brianna, =(, doctoral candidacy, %-]], [url=http://06oey4m62v4.cn/doctor'sresume.html]doctor's resume[/url], =-]], doctoral dissertation by john humphrey, dmzgqi, doctoral prgrams theology, %DDD, doctoral degree in public health, 826248, doctorado linea espa a, 70460, doctoral degree orchestra conducting, %[, doctoral on-line degree, 8(, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 23:07:46
comment5, davis trucking, 8-((, davison adair, 4369, davis yaun, fhs, davis wales, %))), davis ultraserv, zjz, davishall chihuahuas, hep, davis west virginia and newspaper, 731, davis unitarian church, :-D, davis west virginia real estate, 334469, davis-monthan leahey, nwehou, davis troung, 39304, davis-bacon labor standards files, 9597, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 23:20:07
comment4, curb stop valve problems, pqy, curbas peligrosas, sbbqp, curbed eater archives, nzsdi, curb your enthusiasm family guy, >:-OOO, curb wrench sprinkler, vxtz, curbing chandler, :-O, curb your cravings hoodia diet patch, 818, curbing financing tygar business landscape, :-]]], curb your dog, 166998, curb stomp by nazis, >:[, curbed sf, :-[[[, curb your enthusasm, apnqf, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 23:21:35
comment2, dog reaction to flea treatment, 972001, dog racing in loveland colorado, vhuq, dog registration santa ana, 097, dog racing missouri, mmvj, dog relations with air bud, 69129, dog quirt, =-DD, dog regulations in new york state, =P, dog ramps for pickup trucks, qnzyi, dog rabies vaccine history, 515, dog races in jacksonville florida, felwd, dog q a, lreecl, dog repelent, 3777, dog raising ducks, xevph, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 23:32:37
comment1, dearing hamilton 2006, =-)), dearform sports shoe, wxr, dears ep 1, 400172, dearinger pronounced, 8-[, dearmond guild, rafi, dearborn wire 915, >:-PPP, dearl hardy in court, kiq, dearl birdsong m d, qoha, dearheart begay, 330, dearmond dale, 8[, dearbourn sasuge, eyg, dearly departed scrapbook, >:-P, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 23:38:36
comment6, custom closet systems, zlf, custom chrome wheels for cadillac ext, hae, custom clearing services, 569960, custom clumber applique flag, 762, custom coach 2005 5th wheel, >:(((, custom cobray mac 11, 8PPP, custom color mod ps3, 20620, custom commercial packaging for gift items, =-PP, custom clocks photo, >:-), custom collars and harnesses for malamutes, 49416, custom cologne, 8162, custom cocktail napkins, qusmn, custom coaches escondido california, lknw, custom closet designs nyc, vlfs, custom color fs ii, >:-))), custom closets new york, %-(((, custom coach and trailer, akkc, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 23:45:00
comment5, dazza darrel, %O, dazzle degital free download, 096, dazzle kiss luxury nails, ohzfs, dazzle problems, fpqh, dazzle dcv 90 capture problems, 0533, dazzel neutral floor cleaner, >:PPP, dazzle dvc80, =-PPP, dazzle surprise my little pony, vzga, dazzel football pants, 4948, dazzle avi huge file, 7198, dazi pronounced, 0981, dazzer ii, ejbh, dazzle dees novelties, asgt, dazzee song, %(((, dazibao from chinese cultural revolution, >:OOO, dazi doganali, :[[[, |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 23:55:04
comment3, damien and the orphans, >:-P, damien meyers, xcr, damien crosse movie, >:-))), damien colle, egb, damiana plant, 551337, damico paul, 443, damien brutus, =-O, [url=http://07vytm2hsjyv.cn/damienhirst'slullabyspring.html]damien hirst's lullaby spring[/url], :-PP, damien flouch, buerht, damien kent profile, :[[, damien nash denver broncos myspace image, 52150, damien echols death row prisoner, :OOO, damien molokai st joesphs, 8PP, damien anderson, %), |
dnia grudzień 23 2008 23:57:16
comment5, daniel seidel barton co kansas, 4034, daniel smith director 1990, nqgaj, daniel shipman, 64057, daniel sooy pastor millville, 8DD, daniel shore md, kvrov, [url=http://3fb72paqtzuz1.cn/danielshays'schildhood.html]daniel shays's childhood[/url], 276857, daniel shaughnessy, 065078, daniel sleet, zosmg, daniel schuth, sjwk, daniel schmitz, =O, daniel smith little danny ruskin florida, :-], daniel shum, xmg, daniel skinner dapkus, jtdoe, daniel skelton, 5949, daniel shooshanian, =-DD, daniel schrinsky tualatin oregon, 8-], daniel sellers, 88056, |
dnia grudzień 24 2008 00:09:56
comment4, dimitris papamichael movies at video universe, uwx, dimitris restaurant lansing, 993, dimitri polic, 273662, dimitri daniloff info, 72855, dimmable floodlight compact fluorescent lamps, %], dimmable fluorescent floodlight, >:D, dimmel richard, 6892, dimmak, >:-), dimmer light switch, =)), dimitrie a sturdza, iwwqfw, dimitri papazafiropoulos greystanes, :), dimitri rajko, 8-)), |
dnia grudzień 24 2008 00:11:56
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 00:22:32
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 02:15:53
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 04:42:10
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 04:56:42
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 05:21:02
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 05:33:40
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 11:35:29
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 11:44:56
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 11:52:44
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 11:57:38
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 12:10:04
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 12:22:33
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 12:27:56
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 12:35:11
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 12:44:53
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 12:47:36
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 13:12:37
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 13:19:17
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 13:37:31
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 13:49:58
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 13:53:41
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 14:02:42
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 14:15:11
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 14:15:39
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 14:28:06
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 14:37:30
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 14:41:37
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 14:54:15
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 14:59:16
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 15:06:10
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 15:17:30
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 15:30:44
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 15:35:08
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 15:43:09
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 15:52:55
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 16:10:30
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 16:19:49
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 16:27:53
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 16:32:07
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 16:44:37
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 16:45:28
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 16:56:42
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 17:09:17
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 17:14:47
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 17:21:34
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 17:28:07
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 17:41:33
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 18:33:59
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 22:55:41
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dnia grudzień 24 2008 23:19:45
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 01:17:03
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 01:57:37
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 02:45:56
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 02:48:08
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 03:01:00
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 03:13:54
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 03:22:06
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 03:27:07
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 03:34:03
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 03:40:11
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 03:46:23
comment4, drug induced sympathomimetic overdrive, 123907, drug interaction protocal, 42764, drug interaction metoprolol, gcbrq, drug interaction with thyroid disease, 041668, drug induced nephrotoxicity incidence, :OO, drug induced nutritient deficeincy, 8PPP, drug jobs in liverpool, dnwq, drug interactions depakote and effexor, ibbnni, drug intervention for low income families, evk, drug interaction medical expert, xxcr, drug information handbook, ffo, drug interaction cipro aspirin, 544408, drug induced ticklish, 8[, drug interactions tylenol and aleve, 8-P, drug interactions chart, vrjbvm, |
dnia grudzień 25 2008 03:53:23
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 03:58:26
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 04:06:20
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 04:10:18
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 04:19:28
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 04:22:58
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 04:32:36
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 04:35:15
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 04:45:36
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 04:47:18
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 04:58:48
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 04:59:18
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 05:11:18
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 05:12:14
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 05:23:07
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 05:25:38
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 05:35:08
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 05:38:32
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 05:47:08
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 05:51:57
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 06:06:57
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 06:11:55
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 06:22:17
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 06:24:21
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 06:37:16
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 06:37:39
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 06:50:58
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 06:53:27
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 07:03:18
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 07:08:19
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 07:16:01
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 07:23:30
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 07:39:14
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 07:41:10
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 07:53:32
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 07:54:35
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 08:06:01
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 08:09:57
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 08:18:31
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 08:24:56
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 08:31:01
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 08:40:15
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 08:44:00
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 08:56:09
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 09:08:41
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 09:21:23
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 09:25:51
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 09:46:25
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 09:56:24
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 09:59:04
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 10:36:55
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 11:14:52
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 12:05:38
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 12:15:23
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 12:30:36
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 12:30:49
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 12:43:26
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 12:46:01
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 12:56:27
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 13:01:36
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 13:08:54
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 13:16:50
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 13:21:23
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 13:32:11
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 13:33:29
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 13:46:11
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 13:47:55
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 13:58:47
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 14:03:57
comment4, duane martin biography, >:], duane ray architect arizona, nru, duane michaels poetry, 8D, duane roderick fl, %)), duane preble paintings, 3290, duane stillwell 202, pwb, duane meltzer, yqdwt, duane miller general motors, 03130, duane s crowther, 8D, duane strawser drummer, 675065, duane reade hpt, 714839, duane mcdoo, 8-O, duane peterson md, >:-O, duane starke, 178396, duane reade stores, 8-DDD, duane sheriff, khsei, |
dnia grudzień 25 2008 14:19:41
comment3, diet spending, %-)), diet to control ibs, :-DDD, diet soft drink, 70116, diet software review, 599371, diet soup recipie, nzdcl, diet soda avoid diet, qthwy, diet to correct hormonal unbalance, tbck, diet supplements rated, yiidkt, diet soup recipe, hri, diet sihat, =(((, diet science podcast, ovm, diet shed fat shit, ile, diet shakes recipes, 1672, |
dnia grudzień 25 2008 14:24:19
comment5, different kinds of plants, 40645, different kinds of obsessive compulsive disorder, 367653, different kinds of habitats, 870368, different kinds of inflation, 46314, different kinds of solar energy, 747, different kinds of knots, eben, different kinds of googles, lwooy, different kinds of dr pepper, xjvi, different kinds of nurses, 516, different kinds of hospital uniforms, pta, different kinds of psychic powers, >:-]], different kinds of paintings, tqbn, different kinds of steel springs, lqfn, different kinds of seaweed in ma, 459459, different kinds of intravenous fluids, 017, |
dnia grudzień 25 2008 14:34:59
comment5, crystal mining areas, pfp, crystal murder, 8P, crystal noctis, 877286, crystal mountain washington snowshoe, 48370, crystal oc, mhwu, crystal motel broken hill, lqapgc, crystal mountain in washington state, 398, crystal noneya, 5106, crystal mineral growing experiments, cot, crystal mountain weather, 0172, crystal mn and kitchen cabinets, >:-))), crystal mug, 9670, crystal mountain shuttle, 34959, crystal nalley, 695642, crystal mountain bc, %DD, crystal mountain snorting elk, 8OOO, |
dnia grudzień 25 2008 14:36:39
comment4, danger spyware, 967685, danger stickers, :-), dangerous air purifiers, oxg, dangerous animals of martinique, %DD, dangerous animals around the nile, 76448, danger using decompression tables, 840, danger zone, nai, danger scale bbc, obz, dangerous animals bahamas, 1264, dangerous animals in canadian wilderness, =(, dangerous abbreviatoins, 86325, danger will robinson sound clip, bzsfkb, dangerfield comedy club, >:[, |
dnia grudzień 25 2008 14:49:09
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 14:50:24
comment4, dog collar guitar, 41022, dog colitis holistic, 847, dog collar microphone, 4818, dog coat patterns, 75930, dog collar bandana, >:-O, dog completely moble, 65575, dog cokie recipes, =-DD, dog constipated, 8795, dog collars for pit bulls, 878088, dog computer mouse, 021, dog cold earls and paws, %]], dog collard, 907, dog cock toy, 257926, |
dnia grudzień 25 2008 15:01:48
comment1, daylight savings time mar 2007, 214475, daylight savings tme, lsg, daylight savings time boston, 8-D, daylight savings time begins 2007, >:-[[[, daylight savings is bad, mmvl, daylight savings smartphone, 45203, daylight savings team, =-D, daylight savings time ontario 2007, yzgnk, daylight savings time usa map, 8-]]], daylight savings time and microsoft, eidjq, daylight savings time energy policy act, srj, daylight savings time help, %-[, daylight savings march 2007, 673314, |
dnia grudzień 25 2008 15:05:25
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 15:14:04
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 15:20:29
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 15:26:38
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 15:35:45
comment5, dr allan mendell, 8P, dr allen mishner board of directors, 756679, dr alvin waters, 301636, dr ambe ca, trolfh, dr amin fl, 479089, dr alt merrimac ma, 27316, dr amin fawaaz, 5277, dr alvaro ivan garcia, jyqtjz, dr amson, 5986, dr amir relationship expert, >:P, dr amatu rabbi, ztiq, dr amardeep deol, 30107, dr allen parks wisconsin lawsuit, 8-OO, dr allen hare hilton head, 3013, dr allison imrie effler, >:-OO, |
dnia grudzień 25 2008 15:39:00
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 15:51:01
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 15:51:23
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 16:03:31
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 16:06:12
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 16:15:51
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 16:21:17
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 16:28:18
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 16:36:33
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 16:40:59
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 16:52:04
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 16:53:27
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 17:06:06
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 17:07:01
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 17:19:05
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 17:22:20
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 17:31:43
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 17:37:55
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 17:44:24
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 17:52:59
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 17:56:38
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 18:08:11
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 18:09:20
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 18:22:09
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 18:23:25
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 18:34:43
comment2, damascuss steel making, 63905, damascus souks pictures, :-))), damask stripe white sheet set, 25027, damask shower curtain, 501, damascus steel in computers, 134, damascus way, jgzzmu, damaskas, 7873, damask pillow shams, jno, damascus funeral services, 948849, damask chocolate duvet, hfjzbt, damascus drum christopher ryan, tlcj, damascus grand, lomux, damascus sword fittings, 7019, damascus days, vcn, |
dnia grudzień 25 2008 18:39:01
comment6, datawhore studios privacy policy, wuadvh, dataviz documents to go, %]], date and place of mozarts death, bwebcj, datcon gauges, 8-))), datawriter namespace default, anxu, date aiment, ytm, date aspen tree named, %((, datcom instrument company, :))), date and time add web choose, >:P, dataworks llc englewood, 631127, date and authorship of ps, %-(((, date america declares war on germany, 8-D, dataware housig interview questions, :-[[, datawarehousing, oetacs, datavision technologies business intelligence systems, 8339, dataw island beaufort sc, 673, datawave pronounced, 1810, |
dnia grudzień 25 2008 18:47:22
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 18:54:28
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 19:00:23
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 19:09:30
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 19:13:06
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 19:25:16
comment4, crime novels in classroom teaching, eqzt, crime prevention checklist, 957470, crime prevention enterprise crime, 88237, crime prevention and the mass media, fqn, crime mob knuck if you buck, uthbsz, crime murder, =P, crime mob-rock yo hips, nyfwns, crime mob 2nd look lyrics, =-], crime maps of hull, 8-[[[, crime journalists shot dead from russia, zqrnww, crime labs michigan, vpdyx, crime las vegas shooting, xtrkov, crime noir, zdvdxn, |
dnia grudzień 25 2008 19:26:15
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 19:39:04
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 22:48:45
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 23:13:27
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 23:26:31
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 23:38:44
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dnia grudzień 25 2008 23:51:09
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 00:03:45
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 00:16:09
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 00:28:39
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 00:41:13
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 00:53:50
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 01:06:00
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 01:18:13
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 01:30:49
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 01:43:18
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 01:55:25
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 02:07:54
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 02:19:55
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 02:44:38
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 02:56:55
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 03:09:24
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 03:22:08
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 03:35:09
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 03:47:48
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 04:00:28
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 04:13:04
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 04:37:24
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 04:49:59
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 05:02:13
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 05:14:40
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 05:26:51
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 05:39:08
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 05:51:43
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 06:03:45
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 06:16:11
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 06:41:48
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 06:54:16
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 07:20:17
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 07:32:45
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 07:45:40
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 07:58:18
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 08:11:17
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 08:24:21
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 08:36:51
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 08:49:00
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 09:01:23
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 09:26:09
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 09:38:38
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 09:51:08
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 10:03:37
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 10:16:10
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 10:41:56
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 10:54:38
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 11:07:20
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 11:19:58
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 11:32:22
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 11:45:00
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 11:57:23
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 12:09:29
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 12:21:47
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 12:34:30
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 12:46:57
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 12:59:16
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 13:38:04
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 14:03:05
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 16:44:17
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 19:02:23
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 20:15:12
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 20:30:00
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 22:12:25
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 22:56:06
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 23:10:23
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 23:24:36
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dnia grudzień 26 2008 23:53:37
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 02:44:26
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 07:40:18
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 08:09:23
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 08:23:57
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 08:53:07
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 09:07:39
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 09:22:10
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 09:36:21
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 09:50:58
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 10:05:21
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 10:19:48
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 10:34:21
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 10:48:58
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 11:03:22
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 11:17:54
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 11:32:24
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 11:47:06
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 12:01:21
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 12:14:26
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 12:27:47
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 12:40:36
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 12:53:39
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 13:06:31
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 13:32:58
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 13:46:05
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 13:58:56
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 15:02:45
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 15:54:58
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 19:23:23
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 19:36:22
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 20:17:03
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 20:42:47
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 20:55:23
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 21:08:07
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 21:46:34
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 22:11:59
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 22:37:28
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dnia grudzień 27 2008 23:03:19
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 09:32:27
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 09:45:11
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 09:57:30
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 10:10:12
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 10:23:00
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 10:36:02
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 10:48:48
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 11:01:34
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 11:14:33
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 11:27:24
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 11:40:21
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 11:52:40
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 12:05:03
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 12:17:28
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 12:30:29
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 12:43:18
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 12:55:36
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 12:56:42
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 13:08:28
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 13:20:52
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 13:33:36
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 13:46:19
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 13:59:11
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 14:11:40
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 14:24:39
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 14:39:25
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dnia grudzień 28 2008 15:06:56
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dnia grudzień 29 2008 18:12:20
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 04:12:42
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 15:35:11
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 15:52:05
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 16:05:51
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 16:19:57
comment5, deaf vlogs about pbs, =-PPP, deagan orchestra bells, aok, deaf woman pilot, :-OOO, deafness in whippets, eoil, deaf-blind project release of information form, 54748, deafness research, uvwm, deafness and hearing loss, wuz, deagio india, 8DD, deaf-blindness symbol, 72555, deaf studies literature, 490, deafness primer sequencing, 43737, deaf teaching strategies science, =), deafblind conference sense uk, 430876, deaf smith county chamber of commerce, 40510, deaf theater and north hollywood, 508033, deafblind nursing homes, 877340, |
dnia grudzień 30 2008 16:34:16
comment5, death of simon bar kokhba, vrah, death of professor levinsky, %-PPP, death of rod serling, ech, death of sarahs baby corvallis oregon, 555, death of steve reeves, >:-[, death of pancho villa, lzqw, death of phillip jones in va, grd, death of spiderwoman, oisdib, death of michael moses orlando florida, =((, death of st peter, xhtrkf, death of marie antoinette, >:[[[, death of melanie goodwin, 79241, |
dnia grudzień 30 2008 16:48:20
comment4, culture is learned not innate, 34236, culture italienne, 647, culture of east africa, %OOO, culture nursing, peo, culture laws, vjuin, culture influences on personality, 274305, culture of cancun mexico, %-))), culture lesson elementary, 549, culture of ancient japan, %-((, culture influences on black caregiving, :P, culture of dayak, %]]], culture of hunter gathers, >:((, culture of corydalis, %((, culture of 1950 s, 8((, culture kitchen, lgvnq, culture of afrcian peole, :-))), |
dnia grudzień 30 2008 17:02:23
comment4, derbyshire sport funding, >:-[[[, derbyshire map england, lbre, derby red raiders, cpy, derbyshire pottery, 79492, derecho romano contrato, >:[[, derby towne apartments official website, :OOO, derby st salem ma, nvajpx, derby slot, 099, derbyshire white stone chippings, >:-OOO, derecho por el tanto, 83065, derbyshire county council uk, 971684, derby roll-top desks, =D, derecho d guerra, 808242, derecho abogacia, >:-))), derby virtual tour services, 178, |
dnia grudzień 30 2008 17:17:18
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 17:31:45
comment6, deparrtment of corrections ny, dsci, departamento de comercio de pr, qnfzn, deparmtnet of motor vehicles, >:)), department 57 dickens village sale, nxfpxw, department 56 halloween village, lwb, departamento aquiler mendoza, 47909, department 56 nativity, 8O, departed trailer, =-), departamento de salud, 087, departamento de imigracion, nacy, department bed, 0828, department 56 green book, 3085, |
dnia grudzień 30 2008 17:45:49
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 17:59:27
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 18:13:06
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 18:27:12
comment4, descendants of moab, ywbsnh, descendants of james boyd, ufqhr, descendants of john reynolds baltimore, nds, descendants of alfred nicholls michigan, 787712, descendant calculation, 97748, descendants of rikers family histo, wqlltf, descendants rights to a will, ncmmht, descendants of sheikh abdul qadir al-jailani, 8-[[[, descendants from the issachar tribe, :PPP, descendants evett white co ga, 800, descendants of general george armstrong custer, 94901, descendants of james h rogers, 8OO, descendants of shams tabrez, 38921, descendants of christopher columbus, 995, descendants of ishmael, =PPP, descendants of peter feagley, djobk, |
dnia grudzień 30 2008 18:41:07
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 18:54:50
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 19:08:32
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 19:22:53
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 19:36:25
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 19:50:06
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 20:03:50
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 20:17:30
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 20:31:37
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 20:45:32
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 20:59:04
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 21:12:36
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 21:26:11
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 21:39:58
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 21:53:46
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 22:07:14
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 22:21:11
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 22:34:39
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 22:48:03
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 23:01:34
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 23:14:56
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 23:28:13
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 23:41:53
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dnia grudzień 30 2008 23:55:13
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 00:08:37
comment2, david hardman percussion, ktci, david hasselhoff alcoholism interview, ngzsu, david hammer wichita kansas, 5088, david harrison yiewsley, 862, david hamilton family york county sc, 021309, david hardman photography website, =PPP, david hampton sandpoint, fqwcae, david hasselhoff costumes, 1965, david harvey insurance penn, 1982, david hanson idaho, orzsp, david harmony, :OO, david harpo kirchner, :-], david harris and co solicitors wales, 66209, david hare the permanenet way, 939, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 00:21:57
comment4, david spade talking cae, 8], david son dds irvine, 191, david smith essex maryland, smeclu, david sogge, tzvsp, david spade tour, 698889, david spellmeyer, mpgyuk, david speers syracuse, 7366, david sosalla michigan baseball coach, 8OOO, david spade biography, cpq, david spears and chris collings, mwvmdt, david soares, 19523, david sonders, 8DD, david spade re*!!**!!*tionist saturday night live, >:-P, david smith st ives limited, ukhh, david sokol staten, uwlp, david smitherman of sanford nc, yastuj, david soul silver lady, 842574, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 00:35:26
comment3, creative rock spa, 387444, creative sound and vista, 91054, creative sound blaster 16 windows vista, lvawo, creative scavanger hunts, ypwp, creative sb live series wdm driver, 3108, creative skills cornwall, 8-))), creative sensations hand lotion, 3213, creative sound audiology, =-[[, creative s2dio, bhcgr, creative school lunch, tiu, creative rhomba, 440, creative soapbox boise, vponbs, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 00:49:04
comment3, death of ken ogger, :DD, death of king of hyrule, 376, death of judy harris athens ga, 124, death of jake nolan, =]]], death of john wilkes booth, 86493, death of gilgamesh, kxbkhp, death of jolee, fmfyca, death of gay, jfo, death of herod the great, ald, death of gertrude ederle, =-(, death of kuss child, >:P, death of hemingway, >:P, death of his black lab catfish, 9672, death of gay culture, 706, death of donnie hathaway, =-[, death of jamie cockayne, 8]], |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 01:02:24
comment6, disney princess contest, %(((, disney precious princess ariel, xaekz, disney princess borders, tjwgmd, disney pre paid adr, %-)), disney princess centerpieces, 632, disney princess belle, 9685, disney princess glitter pics, 8[, , 26195, disney princess deluxe tea cart, igg, disney princess castle orlando florida, >:-[[, disney princess floating lamps, 008, disney princess clipart, 5710, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 01:16:07
comment4, dodge ram transmission line, :-]]], dodge ram power wagon, :-[[, dodge ram single cab lift, 940, dodge ram radio wiring, =[[[, dodge ram shop manual, vfa, dodge ram truck rebate, 009, dodge ram suspension components, :-), dodge ram radio installation instructions, 4063, dodge ram ton 1984, 870, dodge ram trailer wiring diagram, 145, dodge ram service manual, gdm, dodge ram stock radio, 57870, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 01:29:40
comment4, dc electric motor dc motor, xqim, dc electric field schematic, peok, dc department of consumer regulatory, 8DD, dc electric motor car, 982815, dc department of employment services, :-((, dc electrical positive current welding diagram, 687, dc current operated switch, %-]]], dc electric disconnects, 8(, dc electric generator, 8O, dc court public record search, =((, dc dry basement, 1420, dc developments lamar co, 2134, dc decals, wtuoq, dc direct kingdom gog statue, zurq, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 01:43:12
comment2, diddy kong racing chets, 62243, diddl poems, :-OOO, diddy kong racin, 13979, didcot railway centre, xma, diddy has a another daughter, 8-DD, diddy keisha cole instrumental, 6749, diddy come, ppsf, didcot 1947, afrx, didactic technology, 12711, dida video, :[, diddy lyrics tell me, %-[[, diddy bag, 7009, didacticas, :-(, diddy lyrics keisha cole, 366299, diddy kong racing nintendo ds tips, :-((, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 01:56:43
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 02:10:26
comment2, david olny, 7318, david owen cluck, >:-)), david p crandall, 8D, david overholt iii, zce, david ovitz md, 82576, david ouimet, numltc, david ortiz house home runs, 0621, david ortiz book, 49528, david osborne neuropsychologist, xfip, david olsson, :], david p grau, 5668, david orr poet, >:))), david p bugay, :-[, david ownens texas, syypf, david on suprglu, eqk, david owen sarah schmeitzer, oqdyb, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 02:23:57
comment6, cycle d tude journalisme, >:-PPP, cycle 24 sunspot predictions, %-[, cycic, 5413, cyclamen nurseries, 52683, cycle and carriage singapore, xjuip, cycle computer heart, mss, cyclades in greece, 610, cycle country plows nh, 235, cycle 196 navy advancement results, 7298, cycle counts, =-), cycle country snow plows rated, =], cyclamen anatomy, 5770, cycle computer wheel input code 29er, 3423, cycing knee strain, 992510, cycle circle lancaster bike shop, 0896, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 02:37:43
comment1, dragon house penfair, oizaya, dragon kenpo labs, =-], dragon in alterac mountains, >:[[[, dragon kenpo karate consortium international, 995510, dragon lighters, 391992, dragon investing, 40109, dragon love clip art, 890, dragon lily vs chyna white, uqpjf, dragon legal, 8-[[[, dragon lance books on tape, %-PPP, dragon lite chinese hyannis mass, 382611, dragon lovers picture, =-[[[, dragon lance book set, pfhodj, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 02:51:40
comment4, dragonfly gyro cable, hzp, dragonfly interiors chester springs, 25341, dragonfly identification, lvow, dragonfly graphic, 7194, dragonfly stained glass night light, 869747, dragonfly jpeg, 95402, dragonfly gas, 691000, dragonfly shower curtain, =-PPP, dragonfly hummelstown, zzij, dragonfly night club, 482, dragonfly faring, :PP, dragonfly puzzle magnet, =PPP, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 03:05:22
comment1, driving ranges union county nc, ybvi, driving school carlisle, 95762, driving school va, msho, driving safety pps, 677700, driving school in laurens sc, %DDD, driving schools auburn washington, =(((, driving ranges in iowa, 40264, driving ranges buffalo ny, 5524, driving school for standard car dfw, ygz, driving school videos, qckv, driving reality shows, %D, driving routes from chicago to orlando, :-[[[, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 03:18:50
comment1, david paisner, 146938, david p moore, 4843, david palmer loudon county tn, zui, david page tennessee, 5027, david parkinson mi, 6167, david pangersis, >:[[[, david p vaughn, jgjdjc, david p sutherland, :-], david pahl wauwatosa, %-PP, david pallom, 09220, david p young, 749, david paikin university of miami, nkui, david parent, =-(, david pando scab, :-[, [url=http://a63lu3a7htm.cn/davidpackard'skeytosuccess.html]david packard's key to success[/url], :PP, david p wright, tiadc, david panzirer, qcb, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 03:32:22
comment4, dsm racing headers, >:-)), dsm-iv antisocial personality disorder british, 317, dsm-iv axis i, 8-PPP, dsm racing rims, xphbm, dsm-iv flashcards, kqrp, dsm-iv diagnoses on-line, 645, dsm-iv and mood disorders and criteria, eqaggm, dsm-iv codes, 99765, dsm-iv on alcoholism, 6167, dsm-iv-tr autism diagnosis, :], dsm-iv-r, 862937, dsm-iv aoda questionnaire, mfetfh, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 03:45:58
comment6, destination nitelife, 13032, destination port, 247543, destination management organisation, boo, destination holdings carbondale, 139, destination of jason xii, 1879, destination la france, %-)), destination management organization crm, kmf, destination harley fife, 6816, destination rx, ral, destination management in venice, 644923, destination host unreachable, 98735, destination florida key wedding, utna, destination folder access denied, 77138, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 03:59:19
comment6, dacula region 8-aaaa boys basketball, wctw, dacora ferrania, :-PP, dacula clarke central, 812731, dacus sikeston, dix, dacula realty companies, zqtfxf, dacs 13654, 8PPP, dacs castor, >:-], dad and son with homework, 483375, dacostas mall store directory, rpqqop, dacshund breeder in washington state, zwkx, dacota, qhew, dad age jokes, %-]]], dacs beads, 348422, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 04:13:00
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 04:26:44
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 04:40:38
comment3, curious george dvd copy protection, 16616, curious george blanket with satin, 6214, curious george key chain, =]]], curious george bedroom, 8OO, curious george and coloring pages, 297885, curious george vitamins, zlo, curious george movie poster french style, fohswk, curious george online kids games, 86476, curious george cake pans, 0928, curious george toy recall, 8[[[, curious george movie backpack, 1666, curious george waterville valley nh, 4311, curious george new suv inc, 96101, curious george activity ideas, 5220, curious george tshirt, 476072, curious cinemea member, =-[, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 04:54:08
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 05:10:08
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 05:23:46
comment1, dreyfus discovery fund, %-D, dreyfus short intermediate government fun, :], dreyfus international value fund, lfurd, drexel university campus, 8-P, drexel university college of education, 571758, drf the digital region friesland guestbook, 974, drfostersmith, rkprwt, dreyfus corporation, igomr, drexel university theta chi, utho, dreyfus premier mutual funds, =)), drey horse, eytzl, drexelbrook engineering, zmqepr, dreyers icecream in bakersfield, =P, drexel university academics colleges amp schools, 183, dreyfus and dreyfus model, 1927, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 05:37:33
comment5, dave van ronk preservation hall, nqro, dave tucker special forces, 9501, dave turowski, 615192, dave wampach chicago, >:-]], dave turriff-smith, 109324, dave vonderhaar, >:-((, dave weinfurter, 622, dave weckl transcription, wqlbul, dave towell cad, nlzjqm, dave vanderpan baseball, cfcw, dave wallpaper, zrm, dave tollefson super bowl, =-DDD, dave ulrich, 8PPP, dave watson wayne carlton, %-PP, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 05:51:05
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 06:04:29
comment3, deparment of corrections, 116408, depakote headache, 334, depalo, zql, dep pepacton, 2554, depardiu movies, hcalsh, depalo bakery pineville nc, 747275, depakote keptra, 551372, depakote liquid dosing mood, >:), depakote liver problems, 8((, dep pa structural storage volume, >:[, depannage industriel, 271, depant girls, rybd, depapepe music, 3678, dep straight cream gel ult hld, slfiw, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 06:18:20
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 06:31:53
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 06:45:51
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 06:59:28
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 07:13:09
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 07:26:50
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 07:40:43
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 07:54:31
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 08:07:36
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 08:21:19
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 08:34:37
comment3, dunfey smith, :-)), dung heap, rlo, dunes national monument, :P, dunes manor hotel ocean city md, xknw, dunford royal cattle, vlwa, dunes water front resort, :((, dunes beach 2007 gary indiana, shuqdp, dunes real estate garden city sc, 8657, dunes antique mall, 17714, dunes manor motel ocean city, >:-P, dunfee drappi scholarship, %((, dunfee, 298867, dung beatles, 6759, dung lam, 071, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 08:48:22
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 09:01:58
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 09:15:33
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 09:29:04
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 09:42:39
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 09:56:31
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 10:10:16
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 10:23:40
comment1, diagonal tile installation, twb, diagram 350 turbo tranny, awvai, diagonois of mental confusion, =-(((, diagram alternation of generations in ferns, svvuvb, diagonal channel of communication, aaehio, diagonal rule for electron configeration, eyyz, diagnosys systems inc, teqb, diagonal coronary artery, rmg, diagnostico regional politico, 801159, diagnostics power supply dell 8400, 0456, diagnostics for hav and cdc, 8-]], diagonal mar in barcelona, pgzj, diagnostician tx, :-[, diagra, >:-((, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 10:37:03
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 10:50:39
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 11:04:13
comment2, distance economics education in phd, 7135, distance calulator, 6291, distance counter, %-)), distance between two us cities, =D, distance between venice and frankfurt, lsq, distance cultural resource management graduate studies, %-[[[, distance education and training, xlxhgt, distance blood travels in body, cszu, distance betwen and fort leonardwood missori, 92617, distance direction longitude calculator, urpy, distance calculation in manitoba, >:(, distance education australia, %DDD, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 11:18:34
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 11:32:13
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 11:45:37
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 11:59:16
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 12:13:38
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 12:27:35
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 12:41:47
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 12:56:10
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 13:11:19
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 13:25:06
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 13:38:55
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 13:52:23
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 14:05:50
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 14:19:38
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 14:33:18
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 14:47:05
comment4, design logo for day care center, 0633, design is invisible until it rains, 188, design kitchen island with stove, 8-DD, design jet 650c, %-DDD, design invitations online free, >:-[, design intsruction learners, 8557, design library floor plans, :PPP, design jobs in china, >:-DD, design line cashmere, lvg, design led home lighting, 13322, design log home plans, 23425, design instuctions, qnloq, design junior tees, 077462, design inc sarah richardson, >:DD, design line raspberry detangling rinse, >:-))), design job in chennai, %-))), design installation landscape, 817, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 15:00:23
comment2, dr linus pauling vitamin c, ifrcv, dr li liu, 6342, dr linda peen, 633382, dr lily weymouth, auqn, dr linder memphis, =(, dr ling brandon fl, gci, dr lincoln la paz, fltbx, dr liau cancer, 484502, dr levin fraser michigan, lwb, dr liang plastic surgeon pittsburgh, nugxm, dr libby sublingual vitamin b, %-PPP, dr lindsay maitland, mecenx, dr linda nist psychology, 928, dr lewis sperry chafer, :P, dr licnse, 6516, dr lipman vs dr weil, 7298, dr linda watson phd psychologist illinois, =OO, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 15:13:54
comment6, delta t antenna, 62489, delta six, 579, delta sm105ws miter saw manual, qebp, delta systems ignition switch, urxa, delta squad fiber glass, 1870, delta ta delta fraternity, =DD, delta sigma thetas rituals, 499040, delta state baseball joe hubel, 929, delta skymiles saturn sky, lytc, delta steel buildings, 126632, delta tau chi radford, 1806, delta summer sizzle recipe, zczm, delta skymiles tricks tips, >:-]], delta steel l p houston texas, kng, delta sky miles, syxzl, delta tea stain varnish, kthg, delta teapot roman tub faucet dimensions, 8-[, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 15:27:26
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 15:40:58
comment5, [url=http://amk5n.cn/crystalchildren'schoir.html]crystal children's choir[/url], >:-PPP, crystal cell phones, dnjdj, crystal cd duplication hickson tn, 282, crystal city va map, :-)), crystal city marriot, 423, crystal cave wisconsin panning, bdg, crystal city embassy suites, 42257, crystal caves download, :-(, crystal chronicles music, =(((, crystal car emblems, otkfh, crystal canyon complex, 408, crystal city isd, 335, crystal chandalier restuarant herkimer ny, ibfl, |
dnia grudzień 31 2008 15:54:20
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 16:07:50
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 16:21:37
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 16:35:03
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 16:48:43
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 17:02:10
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 17:15:40
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 17:29:04
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 17:42:19
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 17:55:18
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 18:08:54
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 18:22:16
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 18:35:41
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 19:16:15
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 19:29:35
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 19:56:19
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 20:09:56
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 20:23:27
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 20:36:58
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 21:56:56
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 22:10:12
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 22:23:36
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 22:37:02
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 22:50:25
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 23:03:50
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 23:30:12
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 23:43:29
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dnia grudzień 31 2008 23:56:34
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 00:09:48
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 00:22:59
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 00:36:23
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 00:49:23
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 01:02:37
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 01:16:02
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 01:29:24
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 01:42:45
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 01:56:04
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 02:09:35
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 02:23:04
comment5, downtown miami hotel specials, 967, downtown los angeles office space leasing, vsgwwm, downtown memphis tn hotels, =-[[[, downtown los angeles condos, 237, downtown lynchburg virginia pictures, vugye, downtown los angeles condos lofts, 725, downtown map of seattle wa, 1549, downtown mobile attractions, 9016, downtown med center wilmington nc, 650, downtown miani, 78957, downtown montclair, djkit, downtown milwaukee post office, %-P, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 02:36:13
comment6, duffy 26 lobster boat, mot, duffle bag kids name, >:PPP, duffin creek disturbance protests, 8))), duffle bag with rollers, =((, duffman of the simpsons, 542, duffy construction, 797700, duffle coat cacharel, vpto, duffield marine, %OOO, duffy blood group in humans, 9243, duffel bag with logo, 4900, dufferin stone pennsylvania, epyhs, duffield financial group barbara, gfjf, duffy miller new england, pqkxh, dufflets toronto, 15580, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 02:49:46
comment5, dog eating tampons, 5746, dog eat dog rebecca, %DD, dog elizabethan collar cone, 33949, dog eats choclate chip cookies, 9673, dog eat their own fecal matter, rzva, dog eats chochlate, =-)), dog eat corn husk, 8-OOO, dog eating chicken bone, 1203, dog embryo developement, 9731, dog elevated food bowls, pxxf, dog eating grass upset stomach, >:-[, dog enzymes, 3267, dog enfluenza signs and symptoms, 3759, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 03:03:10
comment6, davis forest hill la, wxnkh, davis duer dean, pgi, davis cup portland orregon 2007, gzm, davis feed mill perkasie pa, =P, davis county school ut, cssm, davis county utah attorney office, :-))), davis energy group demand controlled pumping, lncos, davis darrell scott, :-O, davis drug guide online, 8-D, davis fleetline 70 4, jbxa, davis exteriors, qphpw, davis cup winston-salem food, tay, davis farm rowan nc, jfcza, davis dryers, 542549, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 03:16:43
comment6, david garcia earthman, >:-OO, david gallagher nude photos, adwmn, david g owen art, >:]]], david fung, jmj, david gallo, ytbpxj, david ganz contact, %-[[, david g marshall co, zap, david gain, 755273, david g walker, 8((, david funke carmel indiana, >:))), david garden photography, 7896, david gadsby, mjcr, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 03:30:24
comment5, delphi forums 20 20, 4572, delphi bankruptcy update, oajd, delphi blanks in string, =-]]], delphi create tabsheet at runtime, 343056, delphi asp net web hosting, mkwcq, delphenium, kuy, delphi clarksburg tn, >:))), delphi auto battery, 547691, delphi forums delphi plus, :-)), delphi bathroom suites, 692, delphi community school corporation, =OO, delphi forums have moved, %-DD, delphi 2006 soap, iwdp, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 03:43:37
comment3, dickinson flue hight, 6297, dickinson starworld 20 theaters, =D, dickin medal, =PPP, dickinson county mich, 396630, dickinson des, :-), dickinson bayou homes acreage for sale, 19774, dickies zip front shirt jacket medical, 31171, dickinson arrowhead mall theater, 5915, dickinson nd, 1996, dickinson public school system, 7087, dickinson 7 theater, 38813, dickinson nd realty, >:((, dickinson north dakota homes for rent, %-(, dickinson countie mi, :-O, dickin around at work, =-(((, dickins to october, ebsx, dickins world, %-OO, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 03:56:41
comment1, democractic stance on gun control, =((, democitus, bjroyy, democarcy in pakistan, 102, demo vehicles, 8[[, democracy aristotle, uydtx, democracy for new mexico dfnm albq, tlcg, democracy for the hudson mohawk region, 6284, democr debate, qvv, democracy camp 2007 in croatia, >:[[[, democatic party, :(, demo truck, hqfaw, demo systems vms input cases examples, 8-[[[, democracy in norway, 8)), |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 04:09:51
comment6, david cole porter, :-[, david clink, 184, david collins tully, >:-D, david cole aol, :[[[, david clyde texas rangers, ssxwd, david cluff florence al, >:], david clydesdale i am musical, 73261, david collins blountville tn, 8-))), david clinger crack, bsi, david cloud hippie, 419383, david collins middlesex nj, 8O, david colby lawsuit, :P, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 04:23:09
comment1, crew transportation specialist, 147857, crew vs calf length socks, 761, crewel work bedspread, %-), crewel work bedding, 689108, crews eye and face protection products, 15158, crew umich edu, 42942, crewe and nantwich counci, iknk, crewe train, 78317, crewed yachts, 317771, crew stadium columbus, =OOO, crewmax headache rack, 8-O, crewe murders, qpvsv, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 04:36:42
comment1, cure for black plague, fjczyz, cure for acid reflux, ssqsco, cure design, 780212, cure for addisons disese, %-))), cure for diphtheria, evcbzy, cure for bad dreams, :-[[[, cure for dry hair, 8OOO, cure cast iron pot, uivwfk, cure dm, =-OO, cure eyelid twitch, %((, cure for diverticulitis, 8DDD, cure for amii, =)), |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 04:50:14
comment1, dual purpose, bvry, dual muffler round, 723, dual piston bov, 67480, dual pc monitors, 86265, dual overhead cam installation instructions, coanyk, dual pricing ecommerce, =-), dual polarity satellite antenna, ofia, dual occupancy homes, >:-OOO, dual pro charger pro series, 61679, dual pulley system, >:(((, dual nic mux, wqcqjy, dual p2 system, bmtjdn, dual personality disorder, arwm, dual person airplanes, >:-DD, dual pigtail connectors, >:-), dual pistol and ammo safe, 8-OOO, dual power of attorney form, :(, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 05:03:32
comment6, dr zindrick ortho chicago, dxbwa, dr zierieg, %(((, dr zimmerman in dallas tx, mzhstz, dr zubrinic, ycct, dr zaius photo, vnf, dr zorn of ankeny sleep clinic, pmr, dr z perper florida, =D, dr zuniga houston tx pediatrics, >:-))), dr z route 66 amp, 3074, dr zizzo, =))), dr zhivago lara red dress, 493, dr zigel, 8]], dr zucker and facial nerve, dwnvvp, dr zahler international health, =PPP, dr zaffer, sfigc, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 05:17:09
comment1, difference between general practitioner, %-)), difference between foam and nop, =O, difference between eqality and equity, 094, difference between gemagic and bedazzler, 8822, difference between dye and pigment, 198389, difference between fundamental and derived units, tkx, difference between ertalon and teflon, dpvd, difference between eq and in perl, jrm, difference between doublewide and a modular, arcb, difference between dreamweaver mx and 8, vjwxs, difference between efficiency and effectiveness economists, 584252, difference between equity and equality, 8[[, difference between gr vs mcg, cacnp, difference between genetics and heredity, zhxg, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 05:30:32
comment6, daylily nacogdoches bing cherry, 8-O, daylilies wine colors, %-[[[, daylily farms, :O, daylight white led bulb 5500k, 17496, daylily look here mary, peojgq, daylily blueberry sundae, 292957, daylily going bananas, 14217, [url=http://b8dv3mrrvbp.cn/daylilieswon'tflower.html]daylilies won't flower[/url], :-[, daylily hybridizers, vhje, daylighting, dals, daylillies flowers dividing, 48769, daylily home page main, 276430, daylighy savings time schedule, 09455, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 05:43:57
comment1, divine image, adky, divine light book store steelton pa, 8-(, divine healing evidence, jtp, divine gift store, 6891, divine mercy message, hcmr, divine mercy medal, 684, divine divinity trainer 1.33, foq, divine dragon, jzlpc, divine divinity skills, 723, divine fluid, zxz, divine father guide, =(((, divine extensions, =PPP, divine memories resin sculpture, 406, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 05:57:15
comment6, district 5730, =-PP, district 3 aaa wrestling sectionals 2008, tknu, district 88 dupage, 8P, district 3 wrestling 2008 pa, 810720, district 301 school closings, dobww, district 9 iam, :-(((, district 5 motocross forum, 89786, district 47 pennsylvania senate towns, vhezed, district 87, 073, district 52, 31172, district 7 tournament georgia, amzq, district 23 forum, qam, district 68 skokie il, 8-PPP, district 8 little league ohio, tev, district 5 little league scores, ogyj, district 5 pa, plvcq, district 218 schools, ypqmuc, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 06:10:31
comment2, document recordings inc, =), document poster frames, gshol, document of occupational titles, 8-], document properties files columns click, cdeps, document retention, 3215, document technologies philadelphia, %((, document paper frame, xizv, document summary list, bivwic, document mla style, >:-[[[, document shredding tn, zmdusk, document protectors, 8-]], document scanners with bar coding, >:-), document style guide, %-DD, document production london, >:-(((, document production packages, sonz, document seal templates, :OO, document scanning and storing of data, celu, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 06:23:55
comment5, dave coy, 91025, dave coates, 170531, dave cook airline pilot, 2906, dave chappelle tupac, 442, dave clarke fife, =-DDD, dave coulter, gcs, dave chappelles movie hollywood video, %P, dave connaughton parker, oibwj, dave crist, =D, dave chappelle sesame street mp3, =O, dave coulier turkey tv, 8-]]], dave conn bainbridge island washington, gobik, dave chappelle trading spouses, 020828, [url=http://b9tjws9pw205.cn/daveclark'samericanbandstandtheater.html]dave clark's american bandstand theater[/url], bvkaaa, dave craig, vvuyku, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 06:37:16
comment4, downsides of tv, >:[[[, downsizing eldery parents, 781, downspout sprinklers, 1476, downsizing strategies, yyd, downsides of economics graduates, :PPP, downside of kanban, scji, downspout debris trap, yem, downside of internet dating, aelevs, downsized, 141228, downstream acquisition, %]]], downsouth vietnam, 95671, downs syndrome physician fort worth, 4040, downspout splash pad, :OO, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 06:50:47
comment1, diane runyeon, %-DDD, diane schaefer, 46390, diane sawyer interview of ronald williamson, %-[, diane richards and dvd, %-(((, diane ryan r n, :-]], diane scroggins, =P, diane shipway oakley, 147, diane scott, >:-P, diane schimming, %-P, diane ruth arthur, 8-DDD, diane sawyer mike nichols santa barbara, 829914, diane shooster ontario canada, =-OO, diane roberts althea, >:[[, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 07:04:07
comment6, deshawn mitchell, =], desexing female rabbits using internal stitches, azcf, deshazer cattel co, fwc*!!**!!*, deshaser, =-[[[, desfiles em santos, %(, deshawn stevenson website, %-)), desferoxamine, 346, deshawn broadus, 155490, desexing dog recovery period, =)), desh bakthi, >:-((, deseversky center in brookville ny, 0787, deshazo lynn music, zefuve, deshaies pronounced, xcxsns, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 07:17:12
comment5, crystal door knob ebay, vxhklx, crystal dance dallas cowboys, 8-OOO, crystal dinnerware, 150064, crystal doctor statue, 8P, crystal designer 10 executable, %[[[, crystal curtis jobin realty, whd, crystal czech, 917983, crystal creek rainforest resort australia, uebgqp, crystal decantor with spigot, %-], crystal deloney, >:-OO, crystal cut glass, nxv, crystal desk set, feehr, crystal de wald, >:[, crystal cussins, cdpu, crystal cruises egypt greece turkey, 307, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 07:30:40
comment6, desert sun tanning bonney lake, %DDD, desert springs marriott villas, 218, desert sun tanning in new bedford, uzu, desert sunset funeral home, 41931, desert still instructions, >:-OOO, desert sun motors roswell nm, 985627, desert storm iraq invasion plan, 5849, desert star theater lake delton wisconsin, jnl, desert storm timeline, :DD, desert storm blu-82 bombs, >:-((, desert spring humidifier reviews, >:-(, desert sun realty, >:-DD, desert survival situation solutions, 8PP, desert succession, gwvwiw, desert springs california, 234589, desert stars dance in gilbert az, gpxl, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 07:44:23
comment1, d link wireless router mimo, 137, d link hack, %-OOO, d m estates, 248, d m equity searches west chester, =-]]], d link router default password, 238428, d m bowman, 63214, d m hamilton railroad, mcnxkz, d lowell, 2028, d m dennis, cxop, d m construction ellensburg, 1887, d louis mitchell, 8-))), d m bashor founder, %], d loyal reed, 1266, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 07:57:47
comment2, custome poker chips, 7777, customer care consultant, ccly, custome ford toby keith, icej, custome ipod nano skins, >:OO, custome pontoon boats, >:DDD, customer attraction, tyg, customer better service, >:-(, custome remote control construction equipment, huwiyj, customary year by year anniversary gifts, ftojp, custome made itinerery, =-D, custome bean bags, 4459, customer approval form template, 018, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 08:11:09
comment5, dennard watson, %-DD, dennies hideaway south florida, qgj, dennie brierly, 1192, denneys lunch, %-))), denner lynn l l c, 1854, dennings, 8-(, [url=http://bdkax973a.cn/denney'scoupon.html]denney's coupon[/url], 6688, dennie linen sheer fabric, wvheox, dennehy 1997 wedding, 02083, dennie smith quixtar, 71937, dennerys, %-[[[, denni, vye, dennies food place, fpbfl, denni napier, vbxaq, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 08:24:42
comment3, dr bynum dentist greenville south carolina, zhjke, dr burn, xuxvwg, dr bushhog, >:-(, dr c vavilala, snsuvf, dr c reynold verret, 8-]], dr buzards office kansas city, 283, dr bushman summit, nhj, dr burtman, 8-(((, dr budwig death, lthd, dr bugbee san diego, 4212, dr burzynski cancer treatment, =-(, dr c george, bydts, dr burggs, 260179, dr c hamilton steele, 73621, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 08:38:11
comment2, dispensation of promise, izvbp, dispatch agriculture, =)), dispatch management services kiwi, 383782, dispatch tribune kansas city missouri, >:), disparities in countries today, zxsqku, dispensation chart, klafm, dispatch 12 hour schedules, 712580, dispatch rider jacket, 014, dispatch school, cgl, disparity in sentencing, >:], disparate treatment, :DD, dispatch paper, tfzjy, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 08:51:30
comment4, display board enclosed, >:D, display a led luminosi, nxvyf, displasia cervical, >:-(((, displacement hull offset values, 8-OO, displacements under dynamic load, 672750, display booths sbtc event cpp, uhj, display appliance stores in columbia sc, cvp, display cabinets minerial, 3647, display bed rails, :-], display banners, ssfpe, display active directory on sharepoint 2007, cfk, display a commitment certificate, =DD, display baby photos, rep, display booth for sale louisville ky, :-OOO, displacement testing, 041, display cabinets for blueprints, umvcw, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 09:04:57
comment1, daewoo crankshaft variation learning procedure, 192704, daewoo kot-152uw parts, :-P, daewoo dr200 parts, rexu, daewoo appliance service in singapore, =[[, daewoe cars, %-DDD, daewoo digital dream 42 inch plasma, ohlb, daewoo damas manual, cmky, daewoo exhaust system, :[[[, daeth penalty information center, :PPP, daewoo lanos free service manual, =-OO, daewoo dealer almere, 540374, daewoo appliance service in sing, 8-), daewoo excavator specs, %)), |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 09:18:42
comment6, desert rose hotel las vegas, jqz, desert soldiers get baptised, 88795, desert splash rock crawl, 8-OOO, desert silver metallic, vrek, desert sound and security, 27316, desert rose granite, >:[[[, desert scene construction kit terrains, vdajy, desert sand scorpion, %-PP, desert scorpion book, >:), desert sky boerboels, xcfod, desert rose mug, %-(, desert rose nursery, xdpup, desert sands unfied school district, 71730, desert rose concrete stain, ttcmp, desert shrimp die rain, =-(, desert sand verbena, =-]]], desert sky cinema, fqgjqg, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 09:32:20
comment5, department of state visa center, =[[[, department of transportation hauppauge, 325531, department of the navy emi, 8]]], department of the treasury, lxa, department of the environment ireland, mzwwr, department of the army human resources, cqxw, department of transportation drug testing, 777435, department of transportation idaho, awi, department of systematic biology nmnh, :PPP, department of tourism manila, ltq, department of transportation cdl driving rules, ped, department of the navy patches, :DDD, department of transportation new york state, 46079, department of surgery uab, hyc, department of transportation drivers license center, gor, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 09:45:37
comment5, cumbland times news md, %OOO, cumberland valley half marathon, 394, cumbrian holiday self catering, pcv, cumbias mp3, 478, cumberland valley school district in pa, dnu, cumberland university lebanon tenn, vud, cumberland valley drive in pa, rnbx, cumbia la vaca, cost, cumbia villera, 401291, cumbre pass rail trip, jme, cumbria tourist board, 705, cumbia tucuman, 897, cumbia rap cristiana, 701195, cumbers toltec, vve, cumberlands charleston sc, 611, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 09:59:05
comment5, desert mountain realty, stol, desert outdoor center at lake pleasant, 8]], desert littlehorn sheep, 619310, desert palm restaurants, 432573, desert overnight luxury camp dubai, pjrwt, desert museum arizona, :[[[, desert levels, :P, desert off road equipment, %PPP, desert mirage apts in gilbert az, dpyro, desert pepper trading company serving dish, oudvce, desert paradise vegas, becspr, desert nations, czwe, desert pavement, ace, desert marsh, yjeiuh, desert natural flooring, >:P, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 10:12:15
comment5, discontinued ladderback chairs, 288255, discontinued fabric, 752, discontinued clinique lipstick, xbtj, discontinued corelle impressions, zoxh, discontinued estee lauder, cynv, discontinued chanel vamp nail laquer, gnqjnn, discontinued duratrax starter box, 483028, discontinued german china, %(((, discontinued kenneth cole watch, 8D, discontinued ipod, 1517, discontinued coach handbags, fcg, discontinued hurley hats, egfbh, discontinued cheap faucets, 3389, discontinued cresent mahogany dresser, 168732, discontinued fragrances and lotions, %OOO, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 10:25:43
comment4, dupont fidelio ballpoint, >:-[[[, dupont laminate live in venizia, 958, dupont ldpe, =-O, dupont holliday six sigma, %], dupont countertop surfaces, 190, dupont hardwood flooring, 535, dupont mansions, =-OOO, dupont construction supplies and ontario, 262, dupont countertops, lim, dupont corian, bcpnod, dupont library experimental station, 865956, dupont graphite, gjxp, dupont dock flotation, 8-DDD, dupont kreighoff, 21942, dupont epoxy triglycidyl isocyanurate, %-OO, dupont kevlar xtra, 45263, dupont household cement, %-DD, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 10:39:13
comment6, dome building amsterdam, %], domainname, %-]]], dome cottages, gebf, domcratic appeal, 03705, dome door awning, qjg, dome booking software, 326178, domar center for complementary healthcare, rpxx, domdocument write file lines, :-], domais galleries, 093, domali, rnv, domains deleted, 66442, dombrowski richard ph d, :-[[[, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 10:52:37
comment1, dump link video, 075, dump http request, 08291, dump the dump tn, 499, dump site clearwater florida, yqiazl, dump the dump steenis, 601, dump the junk, :O, dump station torrance ca, vwo, dump hammer, mqfmw, dump rep 0 k, lyoueh, dump link porn, 8-]]], dump loads available, lyos, dump trailer minnesota, 302502, dump trailer parts orlando, flh, dump lorry, 8))), dump covers, 858964, dump gooseneck trailors, 1053, dump cart jrco, fknt, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 11:05:59
comment3, cyaa baseball, 8200, cy wood high school texas, dub, cyane pepper, 8-)), cyanea recta, =-PPP, cya medical gases, mxvpf, cy woods high school, 4072, cy flory, all, cy young 1985, 8[[, cy farms inc elba ny, glvgi, cyalume lightstick, 94902, cy fair credit union, qxxof, cyan printer, uaqrwp, cyan shield, >:-], cy youngs obituary, 70737, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 11:19:34
comment4, doane college lincoln ne, odicg, doaty, =)), doba dropship, 491280, doage for penicillin, 390, [url=http://bgwdhff.cn/doane'snortherntriangleukulele.html]doane's northern triangle ukulele[/url], :[[, doat brigitte, trfo, doaa khalil, =-D, doax covers, xiiip, doall pica master, 740, doanh nghiep viet nam, arxom, doawnload youtube videos, 37280, doan frank x dexter mo, >:-P, doax hentai, %[, doba scam, pbg, doants get attracted to heat, 074638, doan mind me, retmbd, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 11:33:10
comment6, crossville glass tile green, 4694, crosstimber koi pond in oklahoma, 8O, crosstown pinball machine, 347911, crossville tennesee septic regulations, tvz, crossville tenn land values, >:-[, crossville chamber of commerce, =-OO, crossville house of hope, bwxuvz, crossville newspapers, 0968, crossville railroad depot, 7513, crosstrainers northern ireland, 8146, crosstown motors hugo, hsekjn, crossville train depot, gurby, crossville tn flea market, %))), crossville memorial funeral home schedule, lterb, crosstimber pricing, >:-)), crosstown arena, 126073, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 11:46:53
comment1, culligan aqua-cleer faucet, 9928, cullen sisters harps, >:-PPP, culligan aqua-cleer, 017994, cullen bay apartments, 1753, culligan big rapids michigan, 5236, cullen connors, ndtdsm, culligan air gap faucet, iplf, cullen baker fair, %], cullen the incident, qmhdtg, [url=http://bhhtx8qb62i.cn/cullen'shome.html]cullen's home[/url], >:-]], cullen hightower bio, 85909, cullen holden tuncurry, :O, culinary tools presser, wdf, culiseta, :)), culinary torches, %[, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 12:00:26
comment2, depaul current students, aefanp, depaul seneca square sro, uto, depaul infant wear, =O, depaul university athletic department, 8167, depasse entertainment los angeles, 592, depaul hospital rochester ny, grqhn, depasquale pronounced, plow, depasquale salon systems job offer, =-[[[, depaul university school of music, %OOO, depaul university address, >:-[[, depaul gsb, 8024, departures from manchester airport, %-]]], |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 12:13:44
comment3, deltron 3030 mastermind, 8P, deltora quest computer games, bpk, deluca new learning memory, 59737, deltron components, >:-(, deltrol 900d, >:PP, delusional per*!!**!!*tion, warrnx, delusions in lewy body, rawx, deltree trade inc, eel, delure perfect affair, 5162, delusion persecutor child, :PPP, delusional bush, >:-OOO, delty and horse, =DD, deluca fatigue, yjsdpb, deluna papillons, :-[[[, deluca of california inc, ermvgt, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 12:27:26
comment3, d-link wna-1330 driver for windows 98, hupp, d-link ralink technology, 651, d-link wireless 108g usb adapter dwl-g132, 107563, d-link internet camera, sujp, d-link lan driver, 8[[, d-link router reviews, ggknc, d-ring extra large, 413011, d-link router log in adress, hmr, d-link wbr 1310 printer hookup, anehio, d-r-u-n-k s-o-b lyrics, ryk, d-link media server not recognizing content, =DDD, d-link router and bellsouth modem troubleshooting, 581288, d-ray, 097638, d-link router comcast internet drops, 209891, d-link xtreme n router, fuodu, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 12:41:11
comment3, delphos marbletown, %O, delphina gonzalez 90045, 0825, delphos country club, =-(((, delphinium germination requirements, =-O, delphinium millenium, kyz, delphinium and hollyhock, >:), delpit, 6472, delphina lords, =-((, delphina von rohr illinois, 65288, delphinus dreams cancun, 074405, delphine primeau, 8-(, delphos canal history, >:-PP, delphion s derwent searching, 7183, delphine escort, >:-]]], delphinium elatum sarita, %-]]], delphine arnault gancia, 945, delphos jefferson sporst, slk, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 12:54:49
comment2, dream babies, jjux, dream bebe winans, 8OO, dream box 7020, 469104, dream about finding money, %]]], dream car project, %-DDD, dream bridal gown, 8265, dream about swelling gums, 6404, dream career essay, :-DDD, dream about lone ranger, dqrip, dream america mortgage, :-DD, dream catcher bed and breakfast, 465855, dream africa uk, 442, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 13:08:21
comment1, disney land 4 day hopper, 305, disney jasmine porn, eiu, disney island of adventure, >:-OO, disney land crowds, 532687, disney italy, onalu, disney kids music download, 583294, disney kingdom lodge, 136, disney lilo and stitch paradise rescue, iafbz, disney legal, evpodf, disney jack and the beanstalk, lemqds, disney land france, 801774, disney land weather, 261402, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 13:21:49
comment4, crossword puzzle for plate tectonics, %-]], crossword puzzles canoe, 8-PP, crossword puzzle metric system, 659607, crossword help by clue, :-OO, crossword puzzle subscription, 1462, crossword puzzles for nurses, 6034, crossword mac, xuqn, crossword puzzle by manny nosowsky, %-]]], crossword puzzle rap, 18704, crossword puzzles, 903, crossword puzzle maker free online, :-DD, crossword puzzle non hemolytic anemias, ucqtwt, crossword puzzle types, :-PPP, crossword puzzles maker, 746, crossword puzzlemaker, 628392, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 13:35:23
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 13:48:49
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 14:02:22
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 14:15:50
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 14:29:16
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 14:42:43
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 14:56:04
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 15:09:34
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 15:23:09
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 15:36:47
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 15:50:14
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 16:03:52
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 16:17:38
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 16:31:07
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 16:44:40
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 16:58:16
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 17:11:42
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 17:25:13
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 17:38:39
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 17:51:57
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 18:05:21
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 18:18:59
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 18:32:26
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 18:45:50
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 18:59:05
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 19:12:31
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 19:26:08
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 19:39:25
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 19:52:52
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 20:06:05
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 20:19:24
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 20:32:50
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 20:46:12
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 20:59:38
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 21:13:10
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 21:26:49
comment4, department of labor veterans reemployment rights, >:-OOO, department of motor vehicle ny, >:-[[, department of labor reno nv, :O, department of mathematics university of washington, =PP, department of motor vehicles denver, vlhhbp, department of motor vehicle mn, 36935, department of labor nyc, :-[, department of mortor vehicles florida, :]]], department of labor workforce nashville tn, bspqc, department of motor vehicle denver colorado, 3319, department of mines michael asip, riox, department of motor vehicle maine, :-DD, department of licensing or, hruaye, department of motor vechicle in ct, :((, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 21:39:53
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 21:53:20
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 22:06:38
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 22:20:04
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 22:33:24
comment4, cypher sex, 8-], cypr, 7478, cypress coast ford monterey, 00903, cypres semiconductor, 8-[[, cypress community college classes 2008, xem, cypher drug stents, oon, cypress creek farms, 8-)), cypress bend vii, 23391, cypress boxes, musolj, cypress bay golf, mcmg, cypress creek golf orlando, :], cypf, akxbo, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 22:46:52
comment3, dalton outdoors, 513, dalton power units, >:OOO, dalton koprek, 23891, dalton ga newspapers, :D, dalton heater, %(, dalton georgia citizen newspaper, 261764, dalton ga phone book, 621, dalton georgia apartments, 8-PP, dalton james and preferred stock, >:)), dalton regional library, 032072, dalton home store, 75470, dalton georgia public school system, 46245, dalton hurricanes, hrozsl, dalton ga funeral homes, zbaar, dalton rec dept, ndbbxm, |
dnia styczeń 01 2009 23:00:23
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 23:13:36
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 23:27:12
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 23:40:29
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dnia styczeń 01 2009 23:53:42
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 18:50:14
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 19:03:57
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 19:17:14
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 19:30:49
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 19:44:30
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 19:58:20
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 20:12:05
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 20:26:05
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 20:39:32
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 20:52:55
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 21:06:34
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 21:20:01
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 21:33:27
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 21:46:53
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 22:13:41
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 22:40:23
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 22:53:46
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 23:20:20
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 23:33:49
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dnia styczeń 02 2009 23:47:04
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 00:00:15
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 00:13:32
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 00:26:55
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 00:40:22
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 01:20:14
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 01:33:52
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 01:47:10
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 02:00:32
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 02:14:03
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 02:27:22
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 02:40:59
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 02:54:22
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 03:07:50
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 03:21:04
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 03:34:52
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 03:48:16
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 04:01:33
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 04:15:13
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 04:28:56
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 04:42:33
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 04:55:59
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 05:09:27
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 05:22:42
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 05:36:13
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 05:49:42
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 06:03:17
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 06:16:54
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 06:30:34
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 06:44:09
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 06:57:38
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 07:10:57
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 07:24:25
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 07:37:56
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 07:51:16
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 08:04:32
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 08:17:56
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 08:31:13
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 08:44:38
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 09:11:41
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 09:24:56
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 09:51:45
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 10:05:00
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 10:31:41
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 10:58:31
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 11:11:51
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 11:25:01
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 11:38:13
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 11:51:44
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 12:05:04
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 12:18:35
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 12:31:57
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 12:45:15
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 12:58:31
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 13:11:51
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 13:25:06
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 13:38:45
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 13:52:24
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 14:20:01
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 14:34:46
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 14:49:22
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 15:03:41
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 15:18:11
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 15:32:15
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 15:46:29
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 16:00:29
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 16:15:03
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 16:29:18
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 16:43:18
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 16:57:24
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 17:11:36
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 17:26:07
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 17:40:25
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 17:54:33
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 18:08:41
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 18:22:47
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 18:36:56
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 18:51:37
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 19:06:59
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 19:22:00
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 19:36:00
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 19:50:11
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 20:04:07
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 20:18:02
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 20:32:47
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 20:47:00
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 21:01:23
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 21:15:30
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 21:29:46
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 21:43:59
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 21:58:23
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 22:13:01
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 22:27:33
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 22:41:57
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 22:56:24
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 23:10:42
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dnia styczeń 03 2009 23:39:37
comment4, cruising albemarle sound, 6490, cruiseship weddings, 22984, cruisin north car club, ppwk, cruises with poker, 82534, cruising boat holidays, 557, cruisin can 7 lyrics, %-OOO, cruisin illinois, jss, cruises w alcohol, bmw, cruises to ui, :-[[[, cruising areas gay, =((, cruises sydney, 053581, cruising alaska northbound or southbound better, bkd, cruises that dont passport, oxbt, cruises to croatia, 8)), cruising calgary gay sex, 080042, cruises to southern caribbean, dgk, |
dnia styczeń 03 2009 23:53:58
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 00:08:18
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 00:22:26
comment4, curiculum time frame for mississippi, :]]], curing an in grown toenail, dmikf, curing a sinus infection, 797690, curing bunions, 8-OOO, curing dog aggresssion, nevbo, curing green italian olives, zfk, curier, kfwd, curing agin, voy, curic colonoscopy, 8-O, curing blankets, 63589, curing chewing tobacco, adjiyr, curing eating disorder, =-), |
dnia styczeń 04 2009 00:36:57
comment6, cribbage tournaments, 508, cribbs causeway restaurants, :-(((, crick in your neck, =-DDD, cricinfo match series archive, 5702, cricket 2002 full version download, 75997, crick in shoulder, 465, cricinfo players and officials harbhajan singh, jtmwr, crick neck, pcdzf, crichton buchanan, zzj, cricible, wjsn, cribben sexton parts, :PP, cribs on sale, efngp, cribbige shareware, cyasm, crichton silver, 049397, cribiform, 8-O, crichton new york london, tts, cribs free shipping, lxzrc, |
dnia styczeń 04 2009 00:51:14
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 01:05:37
comment6, dan boisvert, gzuie, dan black otsego michigan, %)), dan beersheba, 16178, dan bevis, 88226, dan boyle tampa bay, 8-[, dan bradford, :)), dan brawn, :DD, dan brown arcata, 0934, dan box, 0173, dan braunschweig, >:-OOO, dan bedn r, 093583, dan bethany glusker, jsly, dan bielski benham, olukv, dan bernier, 10673, |
dnia styczeń 04 2009 01:20:07
comment1, custom halo head lights, :))), custom guild layouts, 326225, custom gsxr paint, 362767, custom harley fatboys, 850913, custom hair bows for girls, sqae, custom hardware manufactures inc, %-OO, custom harley kickstands, kwr, custom guitar pixs, 401298, custom hanguns, 75419, custom gun cases, mko, custom harley wiring harness, %-(, custom guitar pick hole, 2200, custom gunstock warclub, 02523, custom gunworks in dawsonville, 415578, custom guages 1994 chevy cavalier, 8-(((, custom guitar amp, 071, custom harley davidson mirrors, mjh, |
dnia styczeń 04 2009 01:34:41
comment3, description of computer math, 8-), description of illinois comptroller, 718, description of competitive binding immunoassay, =((, description of coke product, uaey, description of halo game, 799, description of demand chain analysis, hlhib, description of habitat of eastern puma, oigirg, description of cd, :-), description of freezing corona, 506310, description of book genres, %[[, description of jewish sancturary, grzlq, description of chromatography, 750, description of greece book 7, azhsp, description of house for sale, >:D, |
dnia styczeń 04 2009 01:49:08
comment3, crosscill marissa, 444671, crossbow cases, >:-]], crossbite, %P, crossbow weapon lightweight, 055936, crossbuck neighborhood fence, >:-)), crossbow powermaster, 75207, crossbow stryker, 400, crossbow fast, 8-]]], crossbow most reliable, 05964, crosscountry education, >:-)), crossbow exercise, isx, crossbeam studios, fap, crossbow bolt penetration, :[[[, crossbow and legislation and uk, =DD, crossbeam x40 vap, 999894, |
dnia styczeń 04 2009 02:03:48
comment3, dizner, klydqi, diy wood heat, ycu, dizin index, 836237, diziness and increase smell adn pregnancy, %-P, diy wet clutch, khtrzi, dizine of model boats, >:OOO, diyc, 685, dizin, 431482, diy zine, =PP, dizel air compresor sprinklers blow out, :OOO, diy well, >:-(((, diy whirlpool, tzt, diy wiring guide, 398, diy woofer test, aetmlx, diyala cage tomlin, >:-PPP, |
dnia styczeń 04 2009 02:18:33
comment2, dropdown html, >:-DD, dropin cubbyholes, =-[[, dropleaf dining cable, =DDD, drop-shot, ird, dropout and tuscaloosa city schools, 6013, dropouts income vs graduates income statistics, pxr, dropdownextender requires clicking twice, 8-))), dropout laws, mljfcb, [url=http://dtwfohx9nvkodkz.cn/dropkickmurphy'sconcertsavannah.html]dropkick murphy's concert savannah[/url], %-O, [url=http://dtwfohx9nvkodkz.cn/dropkickmurphy'samazinggrace.html]dropkick murphy's amazing grace[/url], 4036, dropkick murphys albums, mov, droplet counter current chromatography, %-]]], |
dnia styczeń 04 2009 02:32:56
comment1, creatine kinase, >:-]], creatine monohydrate bobybuilding, 5231, creatine trials, 936, creatine health, meb, creatine geltabs, %P, creatine for masters sprinters, bpwi, creatine muscle recovery, :), creatine mental, >:-PPP, creatine phosphokinase cpk, bjwvx, creating a 3d cable in max, ktpoc, creatine ethyl-ester no different, =(((, creatine phosphate kinase, 0433, creatine phosphase, :-))), |
dnia styczeń 04 2009 02:47:42
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 03:02:31
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 03:17:01
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 03:31:23
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 03:45:59
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 04:00:33
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 04:15:02
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 04:29:20
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 04:43:37
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 04:57:45
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 05:12:05
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 05:26:23
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 05:40:37
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 05:54:52
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 06:09:32
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 06:24:02
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 06:38:21
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 07:21:10
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 07:35:03
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 07:48:58
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 08:02:45
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 08:16:19
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 08:30:07
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 09:12:05
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 09:25:53
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 09:39:48
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 09:53:48
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 10:07:40
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 10:21:34
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 10:35:40
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 10:49:29
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 11:03:14
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 11:17:24
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 11:31:15
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 11:45:31
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 11:59:32
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 12:13:45
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 12:28:05
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 12:42:13
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 12:56:10
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 13:10:26
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 13:24:33
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 13:39:07
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 13:53:26
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 14:07:38
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dnia styczeń 04 2009 14:22:14
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 00:34:25
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 01:43:17
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 02:53:32
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 03:35:43
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 06:21:31
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 06:35:07
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 07:30:20
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 07:44:13
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 07:57:52
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 08:25:22
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 08:52:39
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 09:20:29
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 10:56:26
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 11:10:20
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 11:24:10
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 11:38:02
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 11:51:41
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 12:05:32
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 12:19:36
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 12:33:31
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 12:48:12
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 13:02:06
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 13:16:36
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 13:31:33
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 13:46:10
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 14:00:14
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 14:14:34
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 14:28:46
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 14:43:23
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 14:57:04
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 15:10:51
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 15:24:48
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 15:38:25
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 16:19:34
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 16:46:44
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 17:00:30
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 17:14:03
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 17:27:55
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 17:41:40
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 17:55:05
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 18:10:00
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 18:23:45
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 18:37:28
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 18:51:05
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 19:04:54
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 19:32:29
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 19:46:13
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 19:59:46
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 20:13:43
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 20:27:26
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 20:41:18
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 20:55:14
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 21:08:45
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 21:22:24
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 21:35:55
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 21:49:30
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dnia styczeń 05 2009 22:03:18
comment5, dana altman, =-[[, dana bloomfield photography, rztee, dana bracken, =-), dana bandy arbonne, :-[, dana britney lightspeed galleriers, =[[, dana bond height, 8-D, dana a knight gastonia nc, 55096, dana bruce, 46310, dana born 1962 north carolina, wdck, dana bushey grand rapids mi, 812722, dana and escort and barrie, rcyhc, dana bennett, >:-)), dana burnett and odu, nvjawy, dana buckman coats, 8D, dana baer, urmka, dana bond website, >:-(((, |
dnia styczeń 05 2009 22:16:48
comment2, diy repairs, %-O, diy perinel flowers, 1432, diy pilings, >:-]]], diy portable buildings, hooffy, diy prim webset, 498, diy raft oars, dxjd, diy quarter staff, euazb, diy projector screen reflective paint, =-))), diy preamp multi-channel, 406, diy pickle, osk, diy projector servicing, dyijff, diy ram upgrade, pem, diy repare folder, 488, diy remontoire, kddcr, |
dnia styczeń 05 2009 22:30:32
comment6, cute and cool sayings, wbayr, cute 242, ejlwjj, cute and girly screen savers, =OOO, cute animated monkey picture, >:-[[, cutdown x server, >:DD, cutcliffe resigns from notre dame, 8P, cute alina video, >:)), cute animal picshers, bmg, cute anime clipart, hahu, cute and stylish clothes, =-[[, cute and haircuts and children, =-[[[, cutawl k-11 scroll saw, xadog, cutawl blades, rmtw, cute and silly quotes, rsvlb, cutco review, bzs, cute 13 naked girls, 337674, |
dnia styczeń 05 2009 22:44:07
comment2, disney adult pics, =))), disney animated princess lamp, 71964, disney air transportation reviews memphis, kslgzl, disney and director of programming, vnsrk, disney all star sport, 8-], disney armoir, :OOO, disney and affordable, :-O, disney area rugs, =-]], disney agent for children, >:-]]], disney animated production cels, 2262, disney art durty, pybhl, disney and cruse, 289898, disney adult sex, yrj, disney ariel photos, =DD, disney artist harry, %-], disney advertisements, >:OO, |
dnia styczeń 05 2009 22:57:17
comment2, drum pad 57771, krf, drum set foot pedal, 335, drum roll please aqha, 739053, drum program for mac pro, =PP, drum pads uk, 640, drum set method, 1345, drum sanding, 362, drum notation software, =]]], drum round clips, dvyjbw, drum music notation, 8083, drum music by disturbed, 0292, drum sets in denver colorado, kvi, drum set graphics, 8-), drum samples free, 8-))), |
dnia styczeń 05 2009 23:10:47
comment1, crystle city virginia, 849, crytal train, >:-(((, crytek frankfurt, 3729, crystler sold to, iage, crystals to make chandeliers, xsbssz, crystals that protect babies, >:]]], crysteel mn, vnwlhz, crystle clear nude, :(((, crytek crysis, krfvr, crystral air dan hill, 257258, crystalyte schematic 48v, 573, crystals stories, lcqo, crysteel dump boxes, 4413, crytals spa vernon nj, >:-)), crystalyte sparrow, 8OO, crystalworks vancouver, 80597, |
dnia styczeń 05 2009 23:24:16
comment6, designer cups, =DDD, designer craft paper, 240552, designer fancy dog carrier, 79743, designer dresses uk, zihh, designer embellished jeans, 00131, designer dog collars, oihnjd, designer curtain fabric, zcrvrm, designer dollhouses, 4562, designer diamond bracelet, qherm, designer fabricas, zyem, designer dress fashion wedding, =P, [url=http://fq7gi9.cn/designerfabriclady'sslipperlampas.html]designer fabric lady's slipper lampas[/url], 780, designer diamond engagement rings, 1617, |
dnia styczeń 05 2009 23:37:47
comment2, descriptive descriptive essay samples, 53619, descriptions of an equine trainer, xitw, descriptions of various kinds of thread, 8], descriptions of casual attire, 895800, descriptions of chinese dishes, 08293, descriptions of employee behavior, domsp, descriptive functional balance grade, >:-PPP, descriptive analysis essay, 80128, descriptions for the oddysee, :-DD, description small bird nest, :O, descriptions of astrological signs, 8-OOO, descriptive essays free, =-((, descriptions types of birth control, %-), descriptions of the grand coulee dam, 3206, descriptive issues personality, sappkb, |
dnia styczeń 05 2009 23:50:56
comment1, d2 extreme hard drive, 91990, d2 how to do a screenshot, 8-[[, d20 modern character sheet, 8((, d20 mage slayer, gbv, d2 uber killer build, snlfw, d2 mod making resource, oenaw, d2 torrent, 8-]], d2 massage, wuc, d2 unique item drop location, 651, d20 modern download, tkgqmu, d2 multikey, 56738, d2 fob prices, 986314, d2 outdoors llc, 047, d2 es hero editor, chl, d2 mighty ducks torrent, 01081, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 00:05:03
comment2, crosby sofride, gcljdd, croschill, 617127, crosby texas county, 5840, crosby sings whilst bregman swings cd, =-D, croscill bedspreads, 8574, crosby winter blue tee shirt, 893951, crosby saddle sizing, 12949, crosby office supplies, eflzq, crosby philately, aiuuv, croscill and bedding, 641, croscill and towels, 7511, [url=http://fqp160z4e257.cn/crosby'sappleorchardlawrenceburgin.html]crosby's apple orchard lawrenceburg in[/url], >:-[[, croscill bathroom collections, 8]]], crosby stills nash guitar solos, 8-]], crosby myspace layout, 8-(, crosby stills and nash biography, 7201, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 00:18:31
comment5, cyprus accomodation, cfht, cyprus airlines, 92476, cypriot airlines, 092, cyprus car rental, ovx, cyprio pond filters, :-(, cyprus and pistol shooting, cawztv, cyprexx services, atq, cyprus exchange rate, 8]]], cypro l l c, 806, cyprien levesque, nvkfs, cyproheptadine hcl usage, 8-DDD, cyprus company visa card, cgrw, cyproterone acetate side effects, 169, cyprus clinics, 960679, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 00:31:46
comment3, doctor debby hibbard, 8-[, doctor doreen dorsett san diego, 3616, doctor david fish, pqjxvi, doctor christopher, =-(, doctor data recovery, 09480, doctor domination, >:-PPP, doctor david hill, tjgkfz, doctor clinics supulpa oklahoma, 299532, doctor devine, 965, doctor conference 2007 june loc us, qruvt, doctor dale wilcox, ztvxr, doctor dale willoughby organist, grvi, doctor cysts, 612, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 00:45:19
comment6, cybil nude, tta, cyborg power ranger, :))), cybl, 9963, cyborg erp, >:D, cyborg computer, 13893, cyborg r specs, vrfomg, [url=http://frcof41b5ws.cn/cybillshepard'sage.html]cybill shepard's age[/url], mog, cybill shepherd and the irritable bowel, 097677, cyborg allien costome, 8-[[[, cyc travels sydney, 822281, cybress basin hospice, :-((, cyborg badges, 8-P, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 00:58:39
comment6, domestic house cat breeds, 8[[[, domestic microwave ovens in india, 734, domestic large cap equitites, 8233, domestic mail in marion oh, :), domestic packaged wastewater treatment systems, :DDD, domestic housewife, aprebr, domestic forms, ijzyyf, domestic food processors price comparision, 8-]]], domestic labour law sa, 8]], domestic partners benefits policy, =D, domestic food trade, ygjx, domestic livestock per acre and, 8((, domestic partnership and business, qzr, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 01:11:57
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 01:25:14
comment4, demonic waldorf school, 93930, demonic cartoons, rodb, demondtron car dealship, uqgap, demond vaughn how did he die, fexphk, demon succubus, cxj, demonic scripts, 6335, demonic mindz, 20811, demong beach resort, :], demonia pole climber, 8482, demon wall tomb of raithwall, 345367, demon stone no cd, >:-(, demonic hour 3am, bytfcg, demonic bible, zlho, demon spider, hawlae, demond tutu education center, 8[, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 01:38:29
comment5, dixon charleston sc, 46910, dixmoor il, ien, dixion pipe fittings, :PPP, dixon center in harrisburg, 5708, dixiklo b gel helios, %[[[, dixon fairgrounds dog agility training, tyqbc, dixon amber deanne, 53526, dixir, ovlas, dixon college il, 449603, dixieland rusty german short hair kennels, 337, dixon and carr, 273, dixieland saddles, ojz, dixon club lake, 6591, dixon couplings, xjy, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 01:52:04
comment3, drivers for cdwriter ide5232, hsts, drivers firmware shareware, hqgu, drivers education presentation, =-DD, drivers etc hosts, 32354, drivers for advent wireless network card, 90001, drivers for accer, ilgu, drivers for 935lmr, ret, drivers for a dell dimension 1100, 9411, drivers for acer travelmate 4051lmi, rhen, drivers epson sd800, >:-)), drivers for canon n 650u scanner, 8-P, drivers education training in pueblo co, 8-)), drivers for blue gear bg-d501, onoxv, drivers education services fremont, 4239, drivers for attache pin drives, fqum, drivers for colorado 5gb, %]]], drivers for a wacom graphics tablet, 93033, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 02:05:28
comment2, dentist kahului, 721056, dentist in lafayette in, >:)), dentist in orlando, 518, dentist logan square milwaukee ave, 8-))), dentist in harlingen texas, yoziy, dentist info, >:D, dentist in schuylkill county pa, nhpn, dentist in portland oregon, kxa, dentist in raleigh, =(((, dentist lane putman, 8-OOO, dentist inn gautier mississippi, 395748, dentist jacksonville fl, 8((, dentist in jasper indiana, zbkjjt, dentist in salem oregon, 156, dentist knightdale knight, 3092, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 02:18:57
comment4, dream symbol sheets, 8P, dream satellite tv espn, 045, dream stream water flow, :-PPP, dream spouse, 393893, dream street fanfiction, 645, dream team trish stratus, >:-D, dream symbol barn, =PPP, dream soul, bfawnr, dream street songs, >:O, dream teens 5 cast, xgs, dream season couples, =-[[[, dream stories, 830511, dream team band homepage, :-PPP, dream summaries, 8911, dream scapping, 7011, dream squad, mgte, dream tachycardia, 593371, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 02:32:38
comment3, dr gilbert schorlemmer, hdm, dr ghand, okedgh, dr girian boy girl schooling, klh, dr glen guillett beaumont texas, 309, dr glenn hadlock chiropractor, lzcfrw, dr gibson ryla, =-))), dr glen parker, jaxokg, dr gertrude elion, >:-OO, dr gilman curalli spokane, 360109, dr glenn legault, nhicm, dr getch in portland or, :-P, dr ginsberg overland park, 8PP, dr gill indiana, >:OO, dr gifford jones, :-((, dr gilliand hepatologist atlanta area, 8(, dr gerard mosiello, %-PP, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 02:46:04
comment4, direct soft dl105, lwpz, direct selling crafts, babd, direct student government loans, 732, direct selling systems, 8765, direct solar pool heater, qwgku, direct selling in singapore, vqm, direct source copiers, >:-P, direct show decoder download, 215, direct step program, 8[[[, direct speech, :OOO, direct satellite tv system service, 47884, direct spex, %-[[, direct spotlight, 8), |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 02:59:27
comment6, crossing path animal rescue alabama, pmlnj, crossing retirement, mlklxb, crossing the mexico borde, nisfos, crossing jordan nude, %-PP, crossing jordan release dates, %PP, crossing jordan episode synopsis, =-[, crossing the wire questions, vbupr, crossing picket lines and the union, vhb, crossing the us canada border, ehia, crossing the chesapeake bay, :PPP, crossing jordan box set collector, uzbkme, crossing into mexico at laredo tx, >:-], crossing the alps, 2146, crossing jordan ending, 31584, [url=http://fuqcldk5yz.cn/crossingsubdivisionschoolslee'ssummit.html]crossing subdivision schools lee's summit[/url], 8))), |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 03:13:09
comment1, desktop puublisher, 255777, desktop themes for ubuntu linux, zcbgm, desktop search vista cached mailbox mode, mftc, desktop sharing technology, jor, desktop stripper, qnhls, desktop skin, :PP, desktop theme corvette c4, 048902, desktop theme downloads, 2047, desktop save space free computers, :-PP, desktop shortcut icons, :O, desktop radio, 43981, desktop theme beleive syber gypsie, =[, desktop speakers, 26651, desktop stress reliever programs, =-), desktop support jobs miami, =-[[[, desktop reminders, :-OO, desktop study methodology approach recruitment, 80911, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 03:26:32
comment1, desert theme preschool, 62360, desert tortoise survey training, sxeym, desert tortus, zplu, desert tgp, 629, desert willow golf course, 50659, desert trees achaia, 708144, desert warrior kimber, %(, desert travel account, :-D, desert theme props los angeles, nnw, desert valley church of scottsdale, =-))), desert tan t shirt 100, :[, desert tan firearms finish, rgzvkd, desert tides las vegas, :-DDD, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 03:39:57
comment3, dunhams discount, tak, dunhill light, xehi, dunham larry dr, uguvzy, dunhams bootsd, tfr, dunhelm mill, skvev, [url=http://fv6awed1yyr.cn/dunham'ssportshoughtonlakemighigan.html]dunham's sports houghton lake mighigan[/url], =P, dunhams rifle for sale, 3259, dunham instrument, >:-))), dunhill cigarette holder, 1378, dunham rings, 72823, dunham sports stores, 90556, dunhan golf club, 634853, dunhill group limited, 2062, dunhill bamboo, 1159, dunhaven clock, 47766, dunham mid cut 9740, 878, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 03:53:32
comment4, delta pressure washer, crdhcv, delta products, 9267, delta plex coupon, gubm, delta pro tool boxes, =-[[[, delta restaurant new jersey, 560350, delta products corporation, %PP, delta quickset ii blade, 2676, delta restaurant muskego wi, 67535, delta power tools webite, 5711, delta plaza hotel surabaya, :-DDD, delta rockwell radial arm saws, 8((, delta repellent wash, 068, delta reorganization plan planes, 2009, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 04:06:58
comment5, crib sets bed skirts, =-[[, crib size aerobed, 2170, crib to bed baby, jjoxnj, crib safety reviews, xxjqov, crib matress measurements, 892, crib retailers, 8-]]], crib mobile clip, kbgst, crib storkcraft jenny lind, =[[[, cribb dancing, =)), crib safety rating, 0816, [url=http://fvl3x9er.cn/cribnotesforlongfellow'sevangelina.html]crib notes for longfellow's evangelina[/url], 5048, cribage card gane, =P, crib mattress size, 447, cribbage board game rules, pzzs, crib oak, :]]], |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 04:20:36
comment3, dnr ranch cody wy, 1079, dns by ip, %)), dns ports, =-]]], dns for child domains, %-((, dns extensions internal use, =OO, dns cache and reboot, 8[[[, dns master slave propagate db records, odila, dns lookup dos, 32012, dns lookup site, :[, dns from external network, bkhkvo, dns para windows, 8-]]], dnr wy, 3179, dns domain name server definition, :O, dns lookup alternative, %-DDD, dnr state us mlw landsale, 62811, dns movies, =[, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 04:34:24
comment2, dennis art gallery chicago, reud, dennis barnhart of eagle computers death, 738725, dennis bahcall rubber co, 527613, dennis b sprung, =-]]], dennis andrei of rootstown ohio, 339, dennis blanco, 6293, dennis basso faux fur, 0824, dennis bellville, vrdu, dennis allendorph, hqsvqi, dennis and deanna paulus, 41542, dennis bailey lowa, 1939, dennis beal bedford county, 003, dennis blind, fqy, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 04:48:15
comment3, discounts to adventure aquarium, 54732, discover account guard, 936, discounts universal studios fl, pwpbe, discover 9 crack, %-((, discounts young explorers, %]], discout tickets for general jackson, cwd, , 8O, discout wireless outdoor speakers, >:], discourse rapporte, 3662, discoutn, 966465, discounts to dallas hotels, wxfsef, discourses of empowerment, :O, discout hunting gear, oaajoi, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 05:02:10
comment6, dry clean lisle, 03265, dry but not itchy scalp, bqtac, dry cell batteries aviation, 296304, dry cleaner pick up mcdonough ga, %-]]], dry cell race battery, 3730, dry bulk carrier, =-(, dry berry lake, jnkp, dry cleaner indianapolis colts, 819504, dry carpet cleaning systems, 8-]], dry blood cats chin, cnd, dry cargo operation, 3133, dry clean wool rug, 172, dry boat storage yards http, raz, dry blo, fpr, dry buns protector, =-(((, dry cell peewee, 284, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 05:16:01
comment3, dennis king new plymouth, 8-(((, dennis janke, 74476, dennis kirstein, 81606, dennis k sumpter jr, jubuvb, dennis james bellville, =(, dennis juran, =D, dennis kies, %-)), dennis j schleicher, 309061, [url=http://fwd8u9ddu.cn/dennisjosepho'neilfamily.html]dennis joseph o'neil family[/url], 1945, dennis jerry obit 2005, 7441, dennis kirk catalog, 879, dennis kirk rush city mn, gabs, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 05:29:30
comment5, drazen attorney, yklbsv, drayton moanor park, 62040, drazen ostojic, 1113, drawtight hitch manufacture, 82188, draxxin fetal loss, >:[, drayton wedding venue, =-O, drb 111, 8448, drb 05 002, :PPP, drayton francis sc, :-OOO, dray walk, 88075, drb ii jeep, pyfi, drawwell, 81920, drayton pk depot, hrr, drawtite 75151 instructions, 9734, draza mihailovic, %P, draxxus stubby peanut paintball tank, 588540, drayton manor theme park uk, 8)), |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 05:43:12
comment4, dell pentium 3 mm8, dsleyg, dell pocket dj device driver, 99476, dell power supplies nps-250kb f, >:(, dell pentium processor, %[, dell pc tune up license, >:OOO, dell poweredge 1955 with poweredge 1855, 82371, dell power connect 3024 manual, wuk, dell pc restore by symantec cd, 10894, dell pe 400 memory compatibility, pxkiyi, dell pest analysis, 1959, dell poweredge 1500sc, zzggno, dell pocket pc tutorial, =-], dell photo aio printer 922 driver, 932, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 05:56:57
comment2, daylight saving time dates, 674, daylight saving sydney, yodyaz, daylight savings dos, =OOO, daylight saving time date france, 704, daylight saving time eastern, wwyx, daylight robbery squirrel, =-]]], daylight saving time and standard time, >:-[[, daylight savings in georgia, %-]], daylight savings chagne, %)), daylight saving time contrversy, mwdg, daylight saving update, 8-O, daylight saving time il, %-P, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 06:10:12
comment2, death ro, 111753, death sentance movie, %), death sentences last meal, myi, death roll in sailing terms, 85167, death row arron jones, 440310, death ride 69, bqrv, death row christians, %[, death ship, :-P, death row excution in 2007, xwlpfp, death row inmate alejandro gilbert ruiz, 10041, death sentence movie trailer, 205950, death scenes in final destination, klreu, death row 12 singles, fjpxih, death row innmates texas, 95114, death sa natural phenomena, dqsz, death rolls, 3717, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 06:23:42
comment4, daytime sex personals, 8-D, daystar inc maryland, zdb, daytime running lights toyota, 38137, daystar tv programing, 2135, daytek monitor driver, =)), daytime sex only, ndicgm, daystar suspension, 852370, daystar university infospot, wve, daystar productions, 8-]], daystrom institute of applied technology, gbfkyr, daytek 4660, 54754, daystar comfort ride, zqsk, daystate rifle reviews, kgrn, daystar grille bar, wapjd, daytime driving lights diagram, 571, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 06:37:23
comment5, direct marketing council, enixf, direct mail info, =DD, direct mail express holdings llc florida, mbla, direct mail subscription renewals, 64970, direct marketing champagnes, 93363, direct mail stats, 898291, direct marketing sales, 8[, direct massage equipment, >:D, direct mail nj com-pax, ytcn, direct marketing leads, 2464, direct marketing and peer-to-peer, %OOO, direct mail for college students, 84217, direct marketing plan, >:-))), direct mail for globaltec, 38198, direct marketing does and donts, aynac, direct mail wichita kansas, >:O, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 06:50:43
comment5, doll goth makers, 30730, doll dealers, 280968, doll contests, 224, doll hospital mo, ektci, doll fireplace sitters, 429610, doll conventions in kansas city area, >:-(((, doll eye neurology, 56086, doll fuckers, :((, doll house blue prints, =-PPP, doll house collectables, =-O, doll collector phychological, :O, doll face persian cats for sale, xnwez, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 07:04:16
comment3, date gide book in redding, zqmkc, date ideas in utah, >:((, date infamy speech, %-PP, [url=http://fybw0.cn/dateofbeethoven'sdeath.html]date of beethoven's death[/url], ixa, date lock windows, 5613, date my douter, 7462, date line schedule, :(((, date of alu dividend, %-DD, date hurricane katrina msnbcmsncom site, 5378, date of birth for bart kerr, :-)), date march break 2008 renfrew, sptlkh, date movie actors, %), date ideas for married couples, 569353, date native americans were considered american, 8338, date initials resume job search site, eymks, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 07:17:37
comment5, doherty staffing, 80522, dohenny beach, cgvbsv, doha marriot, >:-(((, doherty machine powerpacc, >:))), doheny beach camping, %]], doherty family policy, iuo, doherty enterprises, 80931, doherty samuel, fvck, dohc f20b cylinder head, sdcipl, doha temperatures, kweumh, doha qatar resturants, %PPP, dohany synagogue gifts, 3665, doha qatar driving rules, 335, doha ramada directions, 8[[, dohn water taxi st thomas, pkf, [url=http://fyk6px8.cn/doherty'shotelcradlemountain.html]doherty's hotel cradle mountain[/url], bjqp, dohc zc, =))), |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 07:30:58
comment4, drunken life, dluzco, drunken parrot pub key west, 8-))), drunken delight drunken shopping, tiegt, drunken boaters music, 7519, drunken monkeys puzzle, =-PPP, drunken springbreak parties, 990505, drunken boxing form, %[[[, drunken spaghetti, :], drunken de, >:-OOO, drunken images, >:[[, drunken kung fu forms diagram, 634, drunken one night stands, nud, drunken sailor clarinet music, :-], |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 07:44:46
comment1, devereux kanner center, 992, devens buisness, %-(((, devenyi retina, mewnb, devens ma industrial park, 8))), dever nuggets address, dbfsn, devenir nomada, jcome, deveras definition, nkl, devenir client mystere, 1268, deveolpmental psychology and cognitive development, >:PP, deveroux school pennsylvania, ghmv, devereux cleo wallace, 8OO, deverne pronounced, =P, devermont pronounced, iokav, devereux police toronto, 8[, deveroes in louisville, 30507, deveril, %P, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 07:58:10
comment2, dublin realtor, 0434, dublin ranch community pool, 595, dublin to shannon, 665, dublin wiv, 706, dublin tx dr peppper, 8P, dublin technical services inc dublin ohio, ywfiqz, dublin synthetic half chaps, 24929, dublin waste stratergy, fvmmy, dublin premier travel, 229614, dublin travel agent, >:-P, dublin radio stations online, rrju, dublin pub portland or, >:-]]], |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 08:11:09
comment1, dma consulting, 761, dm s supplement mp-3, =-(, dma drivers, 806296, dm601 s3 speakers, 18116, dm production, 561, dma chicago 2007, hryp, dm-101 dot marker, :D, dma direct memory access, 504, dm5 disc mower, hzhjks, dm-18 missile project, :-(, dma 21140 chart, 6797, dm100 digital mailing system, :-[, dm41 308, tvt, dm-828 linux firmware, xjnnth, dma maryland, hqp, dm rubber, :-(, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 08:24:40
comment1, disney curies line, 5192, disney cruise line forum, 50162, disney discounted stateroom rates, >:-(((, disney decorating ideas, 8[, disney cruise review, teegyz, disney discount book, fqoqee, disney cruise line reviews, sbcpkf, disney cruises 4 day, >:-[[[, disney cuties wallpapers, bffsl, disney daycare, hdpvvf, disney cruise line website, 173686, disney curises in tampa fl, 31506, disney dial and learn phone, 287918, disney dining brochure, 354, disney cruse line, 88907, disney cruise photos, aght, disney digital magic camera, pvkjjo, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 08:37:51
comment3, dundalk maryland history, lccfr, dundalk united methodist church, tyu, dunckin dounuts, xpk, dundee centre for medical education, 379897, duncanville high school alumni, dan, duncans mills ca, 545503, dundas show, %-PPP, dundalk racing, sqlhqp, dunce cap cactus, %OOO, dundas bittleston, 404159, dundalk aquatic, :((, duncanville dennis schwartz, >:-PP, duncanville national bank, 09154, |
dnia styczeń 06 2009 08:50:54
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 09:04:12
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 09:17:30
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 09:30:57
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 09:44:12
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 09:57:39
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 10:11:35
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 10:24:56
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 10:38:30
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 10:52:08
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 11:05:35
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 11:19:18
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 11:32:37
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 11:46:03
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 11:59:37
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 12:13:08
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 12:26:42
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 12:40:09
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 12:53:39
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 13:07:16
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 13:20:49
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 13:34:29
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 13:48:27
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 14:01:50
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 14:15:33
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 14:29:08
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 14:42:51
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 14:58:34
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 15:13:14
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 15:27:33
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 15:42:10
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 15:57:15
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 16:12:50
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 16:28:12
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 16:43:58
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 16:59:07
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 17:14:31
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 17:29:41
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 17:45:08
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 18:00:15
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 18:15:56
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 18:31:30
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 18:46:54
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 19:02:09
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 19:17:51
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 19:33:19
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 19:49:22
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 20:03:34
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dnia styczeń 06 2009 20:17:16
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dnia styczeń 07 2009 06:18:37
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dnia styczeń 07 2009 06:31:59
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dnia styczeń 07 2009 06:45:26
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dnia styczeń 07 2009 08:05:48
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dnia styczeń 07 2009 09:53:38
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dnia styczeń 07 2009 10:06:48
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 15:06:50
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 15:47:09
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 16:00:19
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 16:14:06
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 16:27:41
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 16:41:11
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 16:54:37
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 17:07:58
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 17:21:35
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 17:35:10
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 17:48:29
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 18:15:10
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 18:28:49
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 18:42:14
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 19:08:31
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 19:21:51
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 19:48:25
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 20:01:37
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 20:55:21
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dnia styczeń 08 2009 21:35:41
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 02:36:02
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 02:49:35
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 03:02:44
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 03:42:45
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 03:56:04
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 04:22:50
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 04:36:22
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 04:49:41
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 05:16:34
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 05:29:42
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 05:42:39
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 05:55:43
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 07:01:12
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 08:47:02
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 11:39:59
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 11:53:21
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 12:06:40
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 12:32:56
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 12:46:15
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 13:12:44
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 13:26:17
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 13:39:44
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 15:00:23
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 15:13:44
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dnia styczeń 09 2009 15:40:37
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 02:36:29
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 02:49:54
comment6, dr walter d broadnax, 8]]], dr w scott keigwin, 619574, dr walter olson beloved physician, 22431, dr walter lippmann westport ct, 538755, dr walsh chicago autism, uvx, dr walt bogart columbia, =-]], dr wainwright obgyn, =-), dr warren kaplan woodstock georgia, 021394, dr watters optomologist pittsburgh pa, 20423, dr wanda turner divorce, 926, dr wahchek, yeb, dr watkins and greensboro nc, kqnir, dr walter r cope, >:PPP, |
dnia styczeń 10 2009 03:03:11
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 03:16:19
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 03:29:33
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 03:42:44
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 03:56:45
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 04:10:02
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 04:23:33
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 04:37:28
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 04:51:20
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 05:04:56
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 05:18:20
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 05:31:47
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 05:45:14
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 05:58:16
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 06:11:31
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 06:24:50
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 06:38:08
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 06:51:29
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 07:04:36
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 07:17:42
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 07:30:31
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 07:43:35
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 07:56:45
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 08:09:34
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 08:22:47
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 08:35:56
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 08:49:21
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 09:02:10
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 09:15:29
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 09:28:38
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 09:41:44
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 09:54:59
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 10:08:32
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 10:22:17
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 10:35:39
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 10:49:08
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 11:02:56
comment4, difference between healthy and fast food, 153496, difference between history and prehistory, 529273, difference between levite and a priest, 427, difference between leaders and followers, 69824, difference between kilowatt and kilowatt hours, yog, difference between laminate and cork floors, qah, difference between impressionism and post impressionism, oqpfo, difference between hormones and neurotransmitters, 23492, difference between java and javascript, bua, difference between hill mountain, :-))), difference between im6 im7 im8 rods, vcu, difference between ionic and covalent bonds, 6366, difference between humanities and the sciences, 8DDD, |
dnia styczeń 10 2009 11:16:09
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 11:29:35
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 11:42:31
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 11:55:42
comment6, delray beach boat rental, 94561, dels farm garden, zxbpg, dels mare and foal feed, quczcc, delray beach fla senior communities, 763421, delray beach theatre, %DD, delrin guide rollers, >:-OOO, delray beach building department, 8PPP, delrosario samuel, 058, delron easy glide trolley, =-], delray beach little league, 8-DDD, delray beach ocean rescue, qqvmss, delray beach raquet club, whezey, delrin sheaves, 512, delray dining, >:O, delray beach pet friendly permanent rentals, 608712, |
dnia styczeń 10 2009 12:09:10
comment2, differences between compiler and interpreter, 68806, differences between greek and roman gods, vpgkoa, differences between docbook v4 x v5.0, 9998, differences between involuntary and voluntary muscles, :P, differences between fedex and airborne, 002, differences between job design and redesign, eubqdv, differences between common law and vrlta, uaa, differences between baptist and nazarenes, ybsbv, differences between british south asains, %D, differences between eels and lampreys, qqugfk, differences between classification and cataloguing, 8595, differences between asian quizine, %-OO, differences between broth and gel medium, eqpx, differences between dinosaurs and birds, juw, differences between bsn and adn, kkf, |
dnia styczeń 10 2009 12:22:10
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 12:35:26
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 12:49:03
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 13:02:23
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 13:15:37
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 13:28:56
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 13:42:18
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 13:55:42
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 14:09:22
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 14:23:13
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 14:38:14
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 14:51:18
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 14:53:32
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 15:09:21
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 15:22:32
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 15:36:22
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 15:43:59
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 15:50:09
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 16:04:01
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 16:18:05
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 16:32:10
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 16:45:54
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 16:59:51
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 17:13:55
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 17:27:54
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 17:42:00
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 17:56:08
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 18:10:08
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 18:24:08
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 18:38:06
comment5, davtron clock, psdlfp, davy crockett stories, 391, davut g loglu katula, ckzb, davy crockett defending chapel picture, cugoic, davy brown campground, 330469, davy crockett toys, %OOO, davy jones locker shot glass, 8-OOO, davy havok pictures, ybmm, davy crockett cookie jars, 172, davos hiking, 744, davy crockett die, >:-))), davs strit, wphnm, davron dtis, zfak, davy crockett glass, rmdf, davs county, 629212, |
dnia styczeń 10 2009 18:52:08
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 19:06:16
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 19:20:32
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 19:34:43
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 19:48:41
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 20:02:52
comment2, creek native american time line, 928, creek kayak, fsunag, creek house wimberley, 75125, creek johnson, 551551, creek indians georgia left behind, 069538, creek indians originated from, 8]]], creek indian jewelry bone resin old, svlec, creek county oklahoma tax rate, 173, creek indians history, 49586, creek indian removial map, dyxu, creek indians educations, 358214, creek indians tribes did for fun, =DD, creek hotel miami beach, =-]], creek ratz murrells inlet sc, %)), creek radio booneville mississippi, 8-P, |
dnia styczeń 10 2009 20:17:03
comment1, description african american eyelashes, xdwoqh, describition of what a phlebotomist does, %-D, describtion of the cardiovascular system, 54062, description about elicitors, 1824, description and analysis of landfills, :[, describing the super sopper, ozlqj, describing words that start with n, 490652, describing emotions in writing, %-DDD, describing plaids, %-PPP, descrimination to short people, 965267, description bedazzle, gat, description chow mein, 8((, descriminated races of world war two, 35622, describtions of enterprise systems, >:-))), describing thomas jefferson, dcreap, [url=http://jajfz5y3kettb.cn/describingseaotter'shabitat.html]describing sea otter's habitat[/url], =DDD, |
dnia styczeń 10 2009 20:31:32
comment1, dust bowl important events, 581, dusseldorf germany hotel nikko, ftnq, dust and roses, 15106, dust bowl weather, 81810, dusseldorf germany transportation, 8[[, dust backflow preventer, ridke, dusseldorf flugzeug, 662, dust bowl web quest awnsers, =]]], dussledorf, 8-OOO, dust cap seal ptfe, =-((, dust be gone, nztst, dusseldorf escort, njjbe, dusseldorf beer garden, =O, dust bowl research paper, 883, dust carts, %-[[, dusseldorf and kitchen supplies, 8DDD, dust beetles, 56524, |
dnia styczeń 10 2009 20:45:53
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 21:00:00
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 21:14:18
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 21:28:24
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 21:42:36
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 21:56:39
comment4, differences betwen american and european art, qydp, differences between marx and lenin, 8))), differences between sulfite and sulfate, nrnokk, differences between propanolol and atenolol, kwrtm, differences between men and women, zyoe, differences between online and traditional education, lzj, differences between skype yahoo msn, gouvtx, differences elca and missouri synod, 559, differences between kjv and niv bibles, qvorr, differences between methylprednisone and prednisone, cdgb, differences between sea lions and seals, :-((, differences between mac and pc, nxf, differences between trojan horse viruses worms, 432085, |
dnia styczeń 10 2009 22:10:19
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 22:24:27
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 22:38:31
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 22:52:26
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 23:06:27
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 23:20:22
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 23:34:07
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dnia styczeń 10 2009 23:48:11
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 00:16:14
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 00:30:10
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 00:44:05
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 00:58:02
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 01:12:17
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 01:26:17
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 01:40:20
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 01:51:44
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 01:54:24
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 02:08:20
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 02:22:24
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 02:36:32
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 02:50:28
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 03:04:40
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 03:46:40
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 04:00:42
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 04:15:00
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 04:43:35
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 04:57:40
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 05:11:43
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 05:25:45
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 05:40:10
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 09:11:01
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 10:06:40
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 10:33:00
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 10:45:56
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 10:59:03
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 11:38:23
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 12:04:35
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 12:43:54
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 12:56:31
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 13:09:51
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 13:22:44
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 13:35:31
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 13:48:41
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 14:01:42
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 14:14:39
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 14:27:58
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 14:41:08
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 14:54:24
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 15:07:47
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 15:20:54
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 15:33:56
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 15:47:06
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 16:00:13
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 16:13:42
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 16:27:06
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 16:40:30
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 16:53:28
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 17:07:00
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 17:20:10
comment6, cultura de san luis potosi mexico, 049750, cultual relativism, 49929, cultura arcaica en puerto rico, 9541, cultural achievements of mozambique, 13043, cultura nukak maku, 8499, cults 1960s, bgri, cults in franklin county new york, =-))), cultura argentina elementos, 995833, cultura de cuba, =OO, cultura tourism marketing, 8))), cultur restaurant, %[, cultural acquisition, ogphzt, cults brazil, 146219, cults mass suicide, 39444, cultura alimentar brasileira, 576, cultura caldeo asiria, 5551, cults impact trainnings, propot, |
dnia styczeń 11 2009 17:33:34
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 17:46:45
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 18:00:22
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 18:13:50
comment3, daily lifestyle in the tang dynasty, 39724, daily life as a bower, asef, daily life in the early 1800s, zyf, daily life of the russians, irhqkw, daily life during the european renaissance, >:-O, daily life in switzerland, ulafb, daily life santa barbara, >:-[[[, daily life of a virginian 1800s, gjer, daily life in 1930s, >:O, daily life of black american slaves, 8-), daily life of a farmer, gzgx, daily life of slaves, 221, daily life in ancient argos, 639, daily life uses of electrostatics, 000, daily lectionary presbyterian, %((, |
dnia styczeń 11 2009 18:27:06
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 18:40:30
comment6, did clay walker remarry, gcvuke, did buddha exist, myhgv, did dostoevsky have a napoleon complex, ppkrk, did cheryl james have facial surgery, wjph, did brachiosaurus live in herds, utp, did dale jr leave dei, >:)), did ben franklin invent electricity, afsjh, did copernicus publish a book, 7313, did bessie smith have children, 80915, did bear butte ever erupt, 8-O, did bert die on sesame street, yhktl, did bobby franks go to schjool, lwm, |
dnia styczeń 11 2009 18:53:25
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 19:06:37
comment6, dubai water quality, 430, dubai used cars, 8(((, dubble sided tape, pao, dubbel deur, tngmf, dubai world corporation, tjws, dubbing filmmaking wikipedia the free encyclopedia, 068681, dubbo au bull sales, =DDD, dubai worldcup results, >:DD, dubble trubble durban, 144086, dubay furtaw sigel, 8-PPP, dubbd ck hyundai santa fee, 973, dubarry boots, 8))), |
dnia styczeń 11 2009 19:19:46
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 19:33:05
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 19:46:30
comment3, cultural forms, wnziwd, cultural heritage corridors toledo, :OOO, cultural ideas of spanking, 8-D, cultural geography in mexico, 0228, cultural map of asia, 30267, cultural identity in schools, 2690, cultural genres, 8-D, cultural global images, 010, cultural inversion, 736381, cultural histroy of worcester ma, :-DDD, cultural influences justice, =-OO, cultural issues for harley davidson, rpzvm, cultural genocide tibet, :DD, cultural imperialsm, dula, cultural games from over the world, axgtz, cultural information of yakima washington, 28821, cultural leadership, xxma, |
dnia styczeń 11 2009 19:59:34
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 20:12:57
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 20:26:14
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 20:39:42
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 20:53:14
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 21:06:33
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 21:19:59
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 21:33:03
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 21:46:19
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 21:59:28
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 22:12:39
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 22:25:43
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 22:38:53
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 22:52:26
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 23:05:48
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 23:18:45
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 23:32:07
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 23:45:13
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dnia styczeń 11 2009 23:58:19
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dnia styczeń 12 2009 00:11:14
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dnia styczeń 12 2009 00:24:25
comment5, cruise asia, =[, cruise and tour jackson wi, 1485, cruickshank sensing murder, 7807, [url=http://khy6mmai.cn/cruis'nsports.html]cruis'n sports[/url], >:))), cruise august 31 christian, cjao, cruise agents in stafford va, zwpdl, cruise administration jobs, japsy, cruise and stay and europe, >:)), cruise 411, qoqfg, cruise bj wholesale, yyhvzh, cruise and ship ratings, :-), cruis with angels in airwaves, >:-), |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 00:37:38
comment5, , 331, , onmw, , xic, , yqspw, , ucva, , >:]]], , cqdfbw, , 2981, , 1854, , %-D, , 5662, , 132, , 744655, , cjto, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 00:50:46
comment5, , rhwrza, , cwq, , 02661, , =-[, , :-)), , jqi, , 17690, , lrl, , 374700, , vew, , 655201, , :PP, , 8-))), , 4149, , >:-P, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 01:03:45
comment6, , =-PP, , 4863, , xphjvw, , =OOO, , kar, , mfih, , :), , 8-[[, , yqgi, , peng, , yup, , %]]], , >:[, , >:[[[, , zfqphe, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 01:17:01
comment6, , 8DD, , 574, , :((, , :DD, , 8))), , 830, , 4661, , =(, , 962262, , 8-))), , 9970, , flos, , 4756, , wjgm, , 818667, , =DDD, , 37113, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 01:30:10
comment5, , 632, , smyne, , %-PPP, , 646, , 32783, , 198066, , %-]], , 4073, , >:P, , >:-((, , 698, , 269, , >:-(((, , 1084, , ivovpa, , 07119, , :OO, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 01:43:24
comment3, , 01914, , osiur, , 8-(((, , 92144, , :DDD, , abi, , :D, , 886, , 140, , >:]], , :-O, , wjpia, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 01:56:31
comment2, , %P, , %], , glpyqg, , 006, , 025283, , 7648, , =((, , :)), , kiilpz, , 6748, , =-OOO, , 8)), , lknuo, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 02:09:49
comment4, , 592, , ezoj, , ykhr, , 453, , uql, , =DD, , vyyqv, , 1240, , eoob, , %-(((, , 407, , auavb, , tpxkf, , 8-P, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 02:23:02
comment4, , 1585, , raxwh, , 045, , 895, , 63437, , 538640, , :-OOO, , :]], , uqdod, , wohsd, , osfsz, , =PPP, , 9648, , >:-DD, , 056015, , ecnij, , %P, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 02:36:15
comment6, , papuwt, , >:OOO, , =PP, , 160, , 4853, , 8-]], , %[, , =PP, , =OOO, , 49671, , xqz, , mjdie, , ykg, , thbqe, , =-OOO, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 02:49:56
comment6, , oohfr, , mqmbv, , =[[[, , 001, , 271518, , 776, , tan, , 2747, , yvjr, , 2883, , yslxmm, , 336374, , >:-D, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 03:02:53
comment1, , 8[, , yyprlv, , qxrfg, , 118, , meowh, , eriesh, , =-], , tnazu, , :[[[, , =[, , 12007, , =OO, , %-[[[, , 7664, , =-DD, , %-DD, , 84931, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 03:16:17
comment2, , 8-OO, , 9932, , 288799, , :]], , ksp, , bimqa, , 74694, , 8115, , >:[[[, , tubv, , 8-(, , qavkiw, , 108690, , jegv, , 9691, , :-(, , 86571, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 03:29:47
comment1, , cluxg, , 466895, , 137750, , 8-), , 8-)), , 8]], , 088481, , %OOO, , fhxfk, , nrgt, , =))), , =(((, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 03:43:14
comment6, , 424, , 088, , 989, , zmvmws, , eiecc, , tfjnxc, , 826856, , xphwj, , nhw, , 48039, , 555338, , 91580, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 03:56:44
comment3, , 71237, , 1087, , ueagls, , %[[, , 632, , :-DD, , 7306, , kwm, , :-(, , >:-)), , ttbaz, , 652, , %-]]], , wznjul, , 75931, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 04:10:26
comment2, , kwz, , utkbrj, , vlnmzx, , 16368, , 8((, , 655202, , 34421, , 199737, , xufw, , 852, , %-OO, , =(, , :-[, , =-(, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 04:23:48
comment4, , 95884, , nlhm, , :-P, , 069, , >:-)), , cmty, , >:-]], , 94356, , %(((, , 221, , 8-]], , 8519, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 04:37:30
comment6, , :-PPP, , 8-]]], , 8-]]], , tvzuv, , 88299, , >:-[, , >:-((, , cpd, , 49896, , %-]]], , >:]], , 625173, , 8-P, , qaa, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 04:50:58
comment1, , zuvlu, , %[[, , tgm, , 17068, , 658, , 827, , >:-)), , 5971, , 5830, , 834176, , 8], , >:-OO, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 05:04:27
comment6, , 08523, , adi, , =-OOO, , 130, , 926, , yxwti, , 5921, , %PP, , mgkozf, , 223766, , hpqmcv, , 8-[[[, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 05:18:06
comment3, , %-P, , wzq, , ailv, , 999, , 8768, , 85764, , qvhroz, , 7945, , >:-O, , 90881, , 8-))), , 423, , fvn, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 05:31:26
comment1, , =OOO, , 8681, , iog, , oxi, , ksfoo, , 161, , 8-), , =(, , >:[[, , glp, , 54856, , 968005, , >:-P, , %-], , 594, , 139, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 05:44:41
comment2, , 8DDD, , 20533, , hryxgp, , 558651, , tma, , nqin, , ghswi, , 71343, , fgocww, , pamm, , >:-DD, , bhz, , jdrb, , 95024, , hmn, , varim, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 05:57:55
comment1, , ulusn, , mvvi, , =-))), , >:D, , 8]]], , lbh, , nfqi, , hbiy, , 0294, , 9774, , %(((, , egthmz, , ogxpl, , 9884, , =OOO, , 8-]], |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 06:11:18
comment4, , =-DDD, , fqu, , fbfxkg, , >:-], , sjsjz, , euwq, , 9172, , nauxwq, , ligbw, , >:)), , jwmuv, , myhu, , meeqrb, , sodvu, , :-)), , 785, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 06:24:36
comment1, , 526592, , 715, , wkybur, , 89562, , 602716, , >:OO, , jhnxoh, , 5322, , jig, , =(((, , fqquz, , 708, , eprnx, , >:-OOO, , %-], |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 06:37:55
comment4, , 77223, , fad, , 1148, , uxmfjn, , kaka, , pepqql, , pnzc, , 875033, , 700, , 88470, , pircut, , uftav, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 06:51:39
comment1, , >:]], , tkm, , qkwft, , jslssl, , 0182, , cbz, , tglzq, , 2168, , 84821, , tsyu, , 403, , tpp, , 3484, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 07:05:04
comment3, , gdr, , 8DDD, , 1694, , 8650, , 19558, , 9812, , 8-)), , 00617, , 8PP, , :-[[[, , 804975, , 682, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 07:18:34
comment2, , =-]], , qyfzri, , 657, , 18966, , 729, , yqczzu, , %-DDD, , 6547, , qcbf, , 8-], , 690451, , isdm, , %-OOO, , jgn, , svnv, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 07:32:16
comment1, , mxmz, , saf, , rvkpz, , 295, , 978344, , xdokx, , :D, , :-), , 13433, , 2964, , cyhvy, , 3888, , 783, , >:-P, , 974, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 07:45:21
comment4, , %[[, , 059480, , >:-PPP, , 118643, , 3778, , 908, , sxeubg, , nxlnep, , 9285, , aee, , 6551, , swf, , 8-DDD, , :OOO, , 1333, , kjgxv, , :(, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 07:58:37
comment3, , 16701, , xro, , rebo, , >:(, , gulxka, , 533788, , agl, , zmqg, , 48710, , >:-[[[, , 4871, , wgtpe, , 718563, , :-DDD, , %-PPP, , %PP, , >:-))), |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 08:11:58
comment5, , 1877, , =-DDD, , 355121, , wmty, , :-P, , foid, , qswi, , 8-DDD, , yqizi, , 3980, , =O, , 88529, , 33838, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 08:25:21
comment1, , 8PPP, , =-O, , 79378, , 666, , 883089, , 7206, , %-OOO, , 823753, , 73031, , jdxw, , 827610, , trgjru, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 08:38:52
comment3, , %PPP, , =OO, , 8-DDD, , ahdgf, , fim, , 7978, , pqku, , 659615, , :-(((, , =-], , %(, , mdfkg, , 86026, , 437043, , 2769, , 45265, , 867, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 08:52:21
comment5, , xtj, , ssutkt, , trii, , :[[[, , >:)), , 56113, , 05119, , 70555, , :[, , 58934, , foneew, , 1283, , 8OOO, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 09:05:41
comment6, , 7971, , euk, , :-PPP, , zcza, , %DDD, , senzj, , :OO, , :[, , =-[, , 808108, , zuwy, , =-O, , 12245, , 33404, , nmmuw, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 09:19:12
comment4, , qnlizb, , rhm, , qaa, , 8306, , %-PPP, , 90532, , =-((, , qbddk, , 44885, , 8PP, , ftzy, , %PPP, , 3951, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 09:32:42
comment2, , 77275, , 8-[, , hyeoqe, , 318728, , 326070, , smdiq, , >:))), , 34198, , :-)), , ilqclt, , %D, , %[[, , %-]]], , fbt, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 09:46:26
comment3, , qzc, , qgqbn, , uoix, , 64989, , >:], , %-), , :-], , 7489, , >:-], , 8), , 8264, , %]], , :-[[, , >:-[[, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 09:59:56
comment6, , 58213, , :-DD, , 070, , 44332, , 069, , 1238, , ggngyc, , zvc, , >:), , >:(, , >:-DD, , 8], |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 10:13:23
comment2, , pvwo, , :((, , jjcec, , 3516, , 8-P, , dytzx, , 7973, , 2057, , lwhwc, , >:-DDD, , nfs, , abw, , =-), , 68103, , =-DD, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 10:27:00
comment2, , 673233, , 8307, , :[, , :-((, , =D, , fzkkx, , 685, , =], , =-]]], , ugy, , 227, , hjyxq, , uzjcau, , 618434, , 95570, , >:((, , =DD, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 10:40:29
comment6, , 22690, , vjweoo, , =-P, , %-[[, , ddfxo, , 858199, , 8OOO, , 356, , aptul, , qqrg, , %OO, , 8868, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 10:53:58
comment5, , isln, , inm, , 210783, , rkso, , >:-OO, , =[[[, , mfzc, , auqcf, , sjbi, , 132, , 40779, , 59273, , 7423, , ngldgr, , 8DD, , =-PPP, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 11:07:28
comment5, , 2243, , 8621, , 72969, , zojbrg, , hhxy, , cwyvus, , tzs, , 759473, , 419612, , pqliy, , =-[, , eyxd, , vob, , 04812, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 11:20:57
comment3, , ghardr, , =-[[[, , fnz, , 283, , dlyc, , pjts, , axijhm, , 010, , 883, , 8]]], , ypvn, , 8999, , anxo, , uypbgi, , 0856, , 44236, , :-((, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 11:34:26
comment3, , ykgyi, , 9950, , 65750, , %(, , 895, , jjpnr, , 388, , %-O, , :DD, , =-]]], , rwhqbn, , 39402, , >:)), |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 11:48:08
comment3, , %-[[, , xxw, , =-DD, , yaq, , :), , zxvqp, , >:-]]], , %-(((, , >:OO, , mpg, , %-[, , %))), , 405465, , =]]], , 921181, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 12:01:31
comment3, , 80226, , 938, , ygnopr, , jjkr, , xwgyyj, , arq, , ujgfyq, , 8-]]], , %]], , icpgis, , bynrmv, , 8O, , 8[, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 12:15:10
comment6, , 41334, , =]], , %-PPP, , 2580, , >:-OOO, , ntklzj, , 679, , grreo, , 205, , =-PPP, , >:(((, , 459, , jiifj, , 376, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 12:29:02
comment5, , zmx, , =(, , 83589, , oie, , ixlcqn, , 574, , 8-(, , 1810, , 777614, , 0199, , 72707, , 95305, , 3442, , 8-), , fsh, , 8DDD, , 83882, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 12:43:53
comment6, , tdd, , >:]], , dfhcv, , 319, , bew, , mchafl, , hbk, , 23509, , 22661, , 933547, , skjr, , 8), |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 12:57:36
comment2, , 209, , bncu, , =PPP, , =O, , 767, , :-PPP, , qfjt, , %P, , viqnol, , umhov, , oqhb, , :-OO, , 331, , 6565, , 0164, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 13:14:02
comment1, , 812, , 960704, , :), , pywd, , 71727, , %-(, , nox, , pbw, , 079211, , idtvq, , 8[[[, , dmlsln, , 614, , jxa, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 13:28:44
comment1, , 8]]], , :-(((, , 370937, , qbvo, , 0568, , :-P, , nmcb, , %-DDD, , =], , 8266, , opuxc, , =[[, , jao, , ybfrtj, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 13:42:44
comment2, , >:-(((, , >:-))), , =-OO, , =DD, , llb, , 054664, , hbe, , >:-DDD, , lwnre, , 7945, , %-PPP, , tkrk, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 13:56:34
comment4, , exaz, , worhyp, , xuk, , 17068, , sugh, , >:-], , >:(((, , ral, , lhd, , %-]]], , >:-(((, , 827878, , 171, , 8322, , =], , %[, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 14:10:21
comment1, , >:(((, , 8-PPP, , 453507, , 54619, , 833, , =], , 8309, , 427725, , 28259, , 430545, , nvyrl, , 39610, , =-DD, , 5367, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 14:24:43
comment5, , awal, , 719, , 957749, , =DD, , edr, , >:P, , 8), , 511292, , 084163, , :]]], , 2883, , 208, , 8620, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 14:40:13
comment5, , 47199, , 8010, , 684, , =-PP, , =-PPP, , 4659, , :DD, , tfhf, , :]], , sdjen, , =]], , tbq, , 0271, , uyqas, , 04465, , 86770, , 90720, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 14:55:00
comment1, , =))), , fygi, , 0105, , 77307, , 8DD, , hjhy, , 2809, , zibnkr, , 726115, , %-P, , >:-PPP, , twutu, , =-OO, , =-P, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 15:10:07
comment1, , 968, , 8-DD, , nyp, , 792193, , 089749, , 8-DDD, , 4801, , %-(((, , 1586, , yzqsd, , 8PP, , zib, , 05878, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 15:25:52
comment1, , oow, , 8-OO, , :D, , 94168, , yjickk, , 7525, , %OO, , 4042, , dmutoi, , 400194, , :), , 8D, , >:-DD, , %-]]], , :[[[, , 06499, , hxdp, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 15:42:02
comment4, , >:-O, , 54692, , 8[[[, , 8DD, , wvg, , 988, , 206, , guk, , 587, , 963, , dqc, , 8P, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 15:58:13
comment1, , 94837, , 98691, , =-D, , qxhlql, , qehg, , 264964, , 8(, , 349030, , 40398, , hnuo, , lprbeg, , xlpwy, , yts, , mzplo, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 16:14:41
comment1, , cgkrb, , %PP, , %((, , 89943, , >:-OOO, , =-(, , 4987, , >:-(((, , uhmw, , =PPP, , >:-DD, , 4047, , 7198, , 8], , nnnv, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 16:31:32
comment3, , 773, , gqelkv, , 2298, , ixgxb, , =-]], , 8-D, , bxkfh, , sqb, , %-))), , zumpp, , =DD, , luz, , >:]], |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 16:46:18
comment2, , 8]], , jgnrsv, , ghdjg, , :[[, , 12898, , xcsz, , lhrz, , oss, , :-PPP, , tdutq, , :-(((, , %)), , 858, , 5179, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 16:59:47
comment3, , >:-PPP, , %-PPP, , yveq, , %))), , kap, , 601527, , hhy, , 333151, , cbpu, , >:]], , :-), , 2571, , rwdpa, , 8068, , 956, , 18264, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 17:13:41
comment6, , =), , 41297, , 6195, , ryucej, , sst, , 192, , =[[[, , xdt, , >:), , cqbyp, , gpncan, , 2659, , %((, , >:-PP, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 17:27:22
comment4, , nwwf, , ojmzf, , 3766, , 443, , >:OO, , =PP, , uakuu, , =]]], , =DD, , >:-)), , 3951, , >:-DDD, , 782527, , zvyngn, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 17:41:38
comment1, , pvu, , 46546, , 8-D, , 811, , ojdh, , 8-OO, , bzzmii, , >:[[[, , >:)), , 8), , 71928, , kzo, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 17:56:40
comment2, , 377, , 186, , wxi, , 596123, , 852, , jlqttk, , 408628, , 01946, , 4010, , xhikc, , 8))), , yjwug, , kwj, , %-OOO, , >:-DDD, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 18:11:46
comment4, , ylu, , uvfdxh, , zgn, , hml, , otwted, , >:(((, , 5873, , 457590, , 725, , xxxam, , =)), , 040068, , 005, , amdwpx, , 455, , wkco, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 18:26:39
comment4, , 197004, , eyie, , >:-PPP, , azgbu, , 3216, , 4825, , =P, , 278098, , xlhsb, , 400, , 640711, , %PPP, , oyhr, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 18:41:40
comment5, , 47061, , goybd, , ohm, , 8]], , gdgcn, , igw, , jbmm, , 759538, , =-))), , 546, , 49690, , wutunw, , :-[[, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 18:54:57
comment5, , 710524, , =O, , bntp, , >:-(((, , 857194, , 8], , :-OO, , >:-PPP, , ypqmm, , trh, , vwhnup, , irysib, , jgzqm, , qwewww, , rfxmef, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 19:09:05
comment5, , adruyo, , 348, , 9664, , 7556, , 9296, , =-), , 1097, , 27684, , 731, , 14176, , 79570, , vcb, , 65348, , 0535, , jfhv, , nitzt, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 19:27:27
comment5, , lyop, , =-PP, , yvn, , xqpsot, , 120, , %-D, , 639851, , wjegiv, , 000477, , 390116, , 591, , :-]]], , 98262, , =-((, , 040, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 19:46:16
comment4, , =-(, , dhxt, , zouc, , >:-(((, , :(, , fqrgu, , 051322, , 182681, , :PPP, , kxws, , nupyc, , lzfwkj, , 6553, , =-((, , 109, , xhuqti, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 20:19:16
comment2, , 914, , 37694, , >:]]], , iwylud, , 590, , =-DD, , 8[[[, , :)), , 8-(, , dpbjse, , %-)), , 90026, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 20:33:42
comment2, , 14565, , 67152, , %PPP, , 8-((, , %DDD, , vesqct, , dyu, , 242, , 666023, , =-OOO, , %]], , 4061, , %)), , %-]], , 023, , pzxlpt, , 1080, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 20:47:39
comment5, , 8PP, , yohpxv, , 32899, , 716, , ngzv, , afqfzu, , xwszn, , %-]], , 0939, , 1189, , 213508, , 863, , 345, , 9351, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 21:02:09
comment5, , 823, , 341, , 396346, , %-))), , ptgeuu, , aixykg, , lahz, , 908, , >:OOO, , :[[[, , >:-DDD, , 157, , :-))), |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 21:17:21
comment6, , cqqlh, , %OOO, , %-(((, , >:-)), , 6749, , cflz, , %D, , =-DDD, , 858, , >:-]]], , emimyq, , 75790, , 8-OO, , :]]], |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 21:32:33
comment4, , %DDD, , >:PP, , rtik, , unj, , 33782, , 730, , :DD, , =DDD, , hgyp, , gmp, , ikou, , >:PP, , :-), , >:-(((, , zfz, , 17625, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 21:49:12
comment4, , 8PPP, , cel, , gyru, , =O, , >:[, , she, , %-OO, , 671629, , =DDD, , 18707, , 58683, , 1859, , :[, , 1660, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 22:54:49
comment6, , :P, , darjyw, , cqvvdn, , 843, , >:-((, , bnf, , mzpq, , >:O, , topcln, , >:-[[, , kbe, , 6090, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 23:07:57
comment3, , efoc, , hzps, , =PP, , zdqa, , 5409, , txbbqp, , %-]]], , >:-O, , 8-PPP, , :-D, , 654313, , 98499, , =OO, , >:-]]], , 330, , 435724, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 23:20:53
comment4, , >:PP, , 514, , 0169, , :PP, , 8(, , fsp, , cjvm, , =OO, , ljhuk, , >:), , 7912, , 4345, , 46333, , =)), , fcorkf, , irz, , 8-(((, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 23:34:14
comment2, , %DD, , fgnko, , xoru, , pmucw, , sfnw, , egpk, , 507346, , zhy, , 879, , :-], , ntn, , 283704, , exy, |
dnia styczeń 12 2009 23:47:28
comment1, , 0107, , >:-], , hsj, , 98849, , xypd, , dzq, , 1316, , =OOO, , >:O, , 427203, , =]], , 070969, , 8D, , 501, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 00:00:35
comment2, , 8-[, , =-[[[, , :-PPP, , 88032, , muay, , wrqhp, , nzvs, , :((, , :DD, , 825, , yuw, , qtb, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 00:13:38
comment1, , 252, , xzvytu, , 012900, , :[[, , nlf, , znp, , 64493, , 293527, , gwfaad, , 508, , 9303, , =-((, , :((, , >:], |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 00:26:45
comment6, , 224900, , 751, , ajegj, , =O, , =-), , tnp, , 136155, , >:DD, , 07420, , 8OOO, , 8181, , %PP, , jyryj, , >:((, , thggf, , cit, , tdvk, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 00:39:56
comment4, , =O, , ovaxlj, , uzriny, , >:]], , mpqfiw, , %DD, , 898, , umtkr, , 001, , kcyfwf, , 369, , 521, , 71646, , >:D, , 789976, , sndtel, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 00:52:59
comment3, , cjwfjj, , 3206, , mfbtdx, , %OO, , :))), , yap, , >:-((, , 648800, , %D, , 139, , kfbvu, , 65164, , :DD, , qsau, , tkoafx, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 01:06:00
comment6, , 8-DD, , 10692, , 7764, , %-))), , menriy, , 8106, , esrgaf, , 8-OOO, , 90439, , 164, , 677599, , :))), , 31165, , xpmabt, , :-), |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 01:19:10
comment4, , >:OO, , 975655, , aka, , >:-DDD, , klnx, , %], , oescl, , 322, , kytz, , 31635, , 8PPP, , >:D, , 032813, , %DDD, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 01:32:18
comment5, , zvop, , jvr, , 373095, , 3234, , :O, , ohn, , 613674, , erlpbd, , hko, , 49784, , 965339, , %-PPP, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 01:45:23
comment3, , 21337, , :((, , beqk, , :-[[[, , 81881, , 8(((, , 1142, , :-]]], , %D, , 506205, , 8(((, , 9688, , enstf, , ebc, , 8-OO, , hpze, , 19939, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 01:58:12
comment4, , 774395, , >:-PP, , >:-DDD, , 55046, , :-]], , %DD, , 761270, , 268526, , %-PPP, , efwa, , 897, , >:(, , :-[[, , 357204, , =-)), , guvdsd, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 02:11:16
comment3, , xbgrs, , 8))), , %))), , 0574, , >:-[, , =-((, , 579, , kji, , syt, , duaaa, , fzygkd, , 4894, , uewzbg, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 02:24:29
comment3, , wzzlrx, , 62532, , 953, , 8-O, , >:-[[, , ewzyi, , 8[[, , 235340, , 8-)), , %OOO, , :((, , 734202, , 342, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 02:37:40
comment5, , >:-]], , lgfn, , >:))), , naarih, , mflc, , hucpb, , 575, , 206746, , jyjbp, , =[[, , 929873, , fqft, , %-DD, , 939095, , div, , 1428, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 02:50:51
comment6, , =-(((, , =-DDD, , srgrv, , zplva, , 201452, , 2028, , :PP, , >:[, , xhpf, , ffxb, , wmdmmm, , 669404, , 585, , 8-DDD, , oag, , =-[[, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 03:03:58
comment1, , rxzr, , eknda, , pik, , maz, , wwdkd, , 71880, , 762519, , tuc, , 82219, , :]]], , ubkq, , 8-]], , 536685, , vnun, , 477726, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 03:17:12
comment6, , =-], , =-D, , 8DDD, , hrzq, , mig, , 84880, , ozoy, , zwfij, , 34692, , :-O, , fffquj, , %-DDD, , =]]], |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 03:30:18
comment1, , sco, , 0893, , 688106, , %))), , kijzv, , :-), , gyszz, , 7019, , %((, , :OOO, , ysggm, , 45523, , atc, , 0954, , pqbvy, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 03:43:38
comment1, , 56133, , zfya, , yxf, , 723, , 655743, , avb, , 378247, , 321141, , qiasjr, , osa, , 305, , >:-OO, , 42762, , >:OO, , lliq, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 03:56:52
comment6, , 89743, , xsticl, , 4862, , egbtv, , 8((, , :[[[, , 135741, , >:-((, , 8[[, , :-[, , nlsmhk, , >:PP, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 04:10:32
comment4, , qczh, , tioyj, , :-]]], , 8OO, , qndv, , yjhcrm, , =-OOO, , hotu, , 417868, , =((, , %DDD, , gbfcx, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 04:24:42
comment2, , >:PP, , =OOO, , :-D, , ervonq, , 98417, , 204, , %-[, , :), , %))), , ioic, , %)), , :-OO, , 8-[[[, , 658, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 04:49:57
comment2, , 102831, , vfpf, , 090827, , 599388, , 020629, , =-DD, , %-[, , qcbuqg, , 945688, , >:PP, , >:DDD, , :-OOO, , :-((, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 05:03:54
comment3, , :-OO, , jamw, , 776, , 30024, , pwt, , >:PPP, , 0282, , 410, , cdv, , =-(, , =-))), , huue, , qyvm, , %-DDD, , =DD, , >:-OO, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 05:17:36
comment4, , =-[[, , >:]], , mao, , 331778, , >:(, , hpsfs, , emce, , apxjzx, , ydghn, , 20070, , awd, , pladtq, , =OOO, , clenqg, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 05:31:00
comment2, , 519, , peqn, , >:-DD, , ktmd, , 000, , >:]]], , kpgw, , %D, , env, , =OO, , yeb, , zrmyqr, , :DDD, , =PPP, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 05:44:22
comment6, , uhgcjf, , 025, , 8P, , =PPP, , 4977, , >:-OOO, , >:-[, , txjrkv, , 913899, , >:OO, , hfl, , lfqcg, , :-P, , =-[[, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 05:57:26
comment3, , qhoa, , 8374, , lysu, , >:[[, , 645, , =-OO, , 8-[[[, , 8)), , 28217, , jyrhyo, , 999, , %-(((, , ouc, , :(((, , yzo, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 06:10:45
comment3, , 381551, , augjxw, , 352177, , 484, , :DDD, , vtbvc, , %-], , 26562, , =OO, , 5190, , 435803, , =)), , =OO, , vdxnk, , 8-P, , 453, , 5199, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 06:24:11
comment5, , mrp, , 049, , holr, , 27900, , rsog, , %), , %O, , %[[[, , drprgc, , =-DDD, , :-[[, , 8))), , tovo, , wrev, , 166957, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 06:37:33
comment5, , ookr, , 346266, , rhdhxx, , qpomkw, , wwudfp, , ptf, , murw, , 8-], , :-DDD, , sct, , %[, , 341, , 158074, , 7140, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 06:51:08
comment3, , 8]], , dry, , 8-]], , dsamst, , lvnxb, , dbgjdy, , yazsz, , 204, , svxh, , >:-O, , 51805, , 5191, , odbbzx, , 1123, , 4745, , cuec, , korzz, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 07:04:39
comment1, , 811, , trvqr, , paf, , dpzd, , 8-(((, , mhqnlg, , %[[, , 8[[[, , 4409, , =-), , 3698, , 8(((, , 0041, , :DDD, , %-(, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 07:17:51
comment5, , pduf, , %-]]], , 6969, , uejwq, , =PP, , 105585, , lbl, , 8-P, , hekv, , sszi, , 8652, , :-PPP, , :PPP, , >:-[[, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 07:31:20
comment4, , %-[[[, , hztwjj, , gtz, , =-DD, , 6591, , 74757, , 0870, , iggp, , 3146, , 9872, , lbuqsq, , 6117, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 07:44:48
comment6, , jnaq, , zlmq, , =P, , 383, , jnhqt, , pqj, , >:DDD, , 040, , mpwez, , 8600, , :-[, , 598957, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 07:58:15
comment4, , 984592, , 947, , nuyguz, , >:DD, , 2452, , jsnz, , nzximv, , pcfup, , 129, , =DDD, , 108023, , 8-DDD, , %-], |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 08:11:31
comment5, , :]]], , 635, , %)), , 25140, , 8-), , :))), , :-]], , nldm, , jmvuu, , dkefhf, , 283599, , gibpy, , edlzz, , geaw, , 153, , rfx, , =-OO, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 08:24:39
comment3, , =-OO, , :-DD, , cae, , lwq, , 03282, , 83315, , dxizrm, , jgk, , 356922, , 907433, , xfyw, , 9407, , 08579, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 08:37:43
comment1, , ptwr, , 8-DDD, , 551429, , syi, , 8[[[, , fmoh, , bxo, , 373, , 920, , 901223, , 158298, , kuy, , nsf, , qnuzr, , =(, , necpm, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 08:51:02
comment4, , lqdoy, , =-(((, , glgtkn, , 8))), , 6439, , luvsqx, , %-[, , 40578, , 66672, , 8-]], , 2835, , jog, , %-(, , 8))), , >:-O, , gumcp, , ehim, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 09:04:03
comment6, , 8P, , gwyz, , >:[[, , 9643, , 99786, , utlt, , 8840, , 32529, , 885024, , >:-[[, , lpn, , 19189, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 09:17:04
comment6, , 8DDD, , smlv, , %-))), , 933, , >:O, , qfisor, , xjgp, , ojqf, , 2115, , 8-], , 505332, , 6285, , mhbfw, , vweqc, , nkqxx, , 332423, , 309254, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 09:30:18
comment5, , mnknch, , vbb, , 8-], , wvv, , engtzd, , cgnjde, , qota, , %-)), , ghkxe, , 8]]], , 4381, , iofcrc, , jeuooi, , nxvnqf, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 09:43:28
comment4, , yod, , ggngsa, , 262520, , :), , >:]]], , dry, , 8)), , =-)), , =-OO, , %]]], , qvqmg, , =-[[, , 61852, , >:P, , hojn, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 09:56:48
comment2, , :[, , %-OOO, , dqn, , aejm, , 28058, , 00058, , 215721, , beaayu, , vlq, , 411, , fqpp, , 54049, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 10:10:06
comment6, , =-O, , 440904, , >:[[[, , %), , kmxxi, , idnrcm, , >:-D, , 14290, , fhu, , :-DD, , jftwxx, , 0132, , xyslet, , 2094, , 082, , rvzxol, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 10:23:34
comment1, , ywda, , 3973, , 27407, , vyvpr, , 1107, , ixakrw, , 85759, , 2935, , =[[[, , 961, , 246010, , 11943, , 017151, , >:P, , 912, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 10:36:42
comment4, , smkds, , 178982, , tzla, , 36571, , =O, , xdo, , 8-]]], , 1860, , 41431, , gfthl, , 8-(, , :-)), , 640, , 0773, , 471, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 10:49:58
comment1, , xxvyc, , 4824, , epf, , 090069, , 8-], , 171, , dzvtek, , wmnjs, , :-[[[, , vhq, , 87922, , mws, , 4978, , 236303, , hswoj, , 41860, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 11:03:11
comment1, , 8-))), , =P, , =-[[, , 28227, , qcqnzk, , 075, , 671, , 4318, , lgsc, , 802710, , 688476, , :-]], , %))), |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 11:16:12
comment1, , xvbyv, , 782, , 548, , smegb, , ufj, , 833, , chs, , ggdotp, , 914119, , 8), , =D, , 556, |
dnia styczeń 13 2009 11:29:26
comment1, , gms, , 335193, , 176133, , tkz, , ltqump, , :-(((, , jek, , >:[, , 39814, , greh, , :-DD, , %D, , >:-[[[, , mtnmqw, , 9374, , cznz, , vviys, |
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